Anonymous4: Anon1 is rigidly applying the rules without any thought to their consequences. He [or she] will go far in our organization. Anon1 is technically correct. The best kind of correct!
Anonymous7: darkmatter dunno what these idiots are even reading it for ... if u wanna read go get a book -.- enjoy his art work of fuck off ....
nice job on the pic dark
seatrooper: Dude, there are so many shitty pictures of Fry on this site... and then I see this. It's pretty much the best porn of him I've seen. You must draw him more.
Anonymous12: Wow DM, you quoted a single use of the word fleshbag in futurama then you shit on someone using the true quote as a correction and then went on to say they're bitching about "everything" i know this is 12 years late but fuck off
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Stop bitching about everything.
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nice job on the pic dark
Paragraph 5; no matter who comments a picture, it will be read as aa troll and flamed by everyone
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