Anonymous2: ... Davast, yer a fkin idiot. That's Lisa Simpson riding Bleeding Gums Murphy ( I think it's him, not sure) with her Saxophone propped up against his side. That's not a tentacle. You lost the internet.
realstrongguy: Anon^4 is a dumbass, it's a joke, moving on. I love the definition in and over the eyes, although the penis could've been made bigger (i mean, who doesn't love a huge penis in Lisa?) and in the defense of all the people who initially thought the saxophone was a tentacle, including myself, it is pointing directly towards her mouth and it is coming from out of frame, just like most tentacles do.
Anonymous8: Don't feel bad Davast. In the tumbnail i thought it was a tentacle, too. I couldnt decipher that lisa was riding someone until i read the comments.
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If you're reading this, it's already too late for you. YOU JUST LOST TEH GAME. :P
This art style rules. We need moar.