NephtheStampede: Heh, that pretty much sums up the RE movies. Actual Resident Evil plot elements and characters being sodomized by Mila Mary-Sue-avich.
dirtydale: Neph, did you you just freely admit that someone filled you up with cum? No one here needed to hear that.
Ezram, only in your retarded little world does mentioning that Milla slept with someone actually mean that you're calling me stupid (nice job making the spelling mistake in your insult by the way). It must be great for you, being able to say one thing but actually meaning something entirely different.
NephtheStampede: Actually no. That's actually a fairly common turn of phrase. It means that a good or service is included without having need to ask or pay for it.
NephtheStampede: Touche. Your reasoned and impassioned arguments have won me over. Mila Jolovich is the greatest actress in American cinema, and any movie can only stand to benefit from her onscreen presence.
dirtydale: Mila Jolovich probably is a terrible actress. Personally I've never even heard of her. Milla Jovovich on the other hand, she is pretty good.
If you don't like the movies or her, by all means continue to not like them. I don't give a shit about your opinion. What I give a shit about is that you're using the fact that I posted this picture to come here and tell everyone what you don't like when no one gives a fuck.
So next time you see a picture, try to fight your natural instinct to be a faggy douche and do something producive instead, like posting a picture for a change. You've been a member since 2008 for fuck sakes.
dirtydale: Never said posting a picture gave people special rights Ezram, perhaps you should learn to read fucktard.
Fact - xGimpyx, Anonymous1, Norton, Anonymous2, are Selene are Rule34 members that know how to use the comment box properly and not to vent their stupid feelings about what they hate in real life
Fact - NephtheStampede, Ezram, and Kyle are stupid fags that think that just because they are allowed to post a comment that they should use that ability to tell everyone about their stupid fucking opinions.
dirtydale: Fact - Fagonymous5 doesn't get that I fuck his girlfriend for him and that his joke about me having PMS doesn't hold because that is actually his girl's vag blood and not mine.
Annymous6, do you suck your boyfriend's dick with that mouth?
dirtydale: Fact - Anonymous is not aware that women can bleed during their premenstral stage. It is called "spotting". Good job using an insult when you don't have any fucking clue about it.
By the way, do all you anonymous faggots have some sort of collective thought process? I insult one of you retards and it is like you put up some sort of fag signal so the rest of you can come to your fallen faggot lover.
Norton: NephtheStampede: "Heh, that pretty much sums up the RE movies. Actual Resident Evil plot elements and characters being sodomized by Mila Mary-Sue-avich."
Actually, that's pretty freaking accurate, shit hollywood fucked up that adaptation royally. It's not even opinion, it's a god damn FACT! Didn't pick up on him bashing Milla Jovovich at first, I'd have to disagree, she's fucking awesome. Her movies?.. well, they're hit or miss.
Anyway, I think opinions are allowed here, what shouldn't be allowed is people attacking others almost needlessly. I was gonna thank you for requesting that this wonderful picture be created dirtydale, but since you're making such an ass of yourself today, just forget it.
dirtydale: You're right Ezram, I'm in the closet. The thing is though is that its your closet and I'm in there with your girlfriend and I'm fucking her behind your back cause you've got a tiny dick. If you want to talk about someone being gay, lets bring up fact that you uploaded a picture depicting gay sex. Gay fag is gay huh?
Norton, just so you know since you apparently have very short term memory, you already thanked me for the picture. You made the third reply dumbass.
Does everyone have a dirtydale Anon9? I bet one thing most people don't have is the clap, that's something special for retards like you.
Anonymous13(4): GADZOOKS! Some anonymous fellow has insulted something that I, dirtydale, rather like! The only recourse is for I, dirtydale, to rage impotently and insinuate that all whom disagree with me are homosexuals. I, dirtydale, AM SO VERY ANGRY AT YOU QUEER CHAPS!
Anonymous14: everyone who posted anything on this pic besides me is a terrible faggot please take your slapfight elsewhere attractive and successful Africans
kyle724: Im a "ragging" fag because I dont like horse faced flat chested one noted shitty actresses? Or is it because my opinion differs from yours dale?
dirtydale: Anonymous15, you should get a new keyboard. I think all the cum that missed your mouth during your webcam shows is causing your U button to stick.
dirtydale: And Thriller would never have made the picture if it wasn't for me Anonymous17. Its called a commission. Maybe when you get a job you'll be able to get one. So if he applauded Thriller for the work then he is applauding me for having him create it.
Anonymous18/19, did you guys get breaks from your fluffer duties? And the only people I'm calling gay are the actual gay people that have a problem with attractive women.
Krawczyk: hahaaaaa, dd is a celebrity stalker.
I hope you use a larger gun than that pussy Hinckley. Foreign babes is harder to impress, you actually have to KILL your target.
Anonymous22: Damn, there be mounds of hatin' in here.
Also, gotta say, I agree with dirtydale: its porn, its not for your opinion.
But i have to say, the movies weren't that bad (they weren't GREAT, but they're okay) and Milla is hot, but she's flat-chested (turn-off). The chick who played Jill in the movies was like five times hotter. And I have no formed opinion on her acting, mostly because I don't give a shit. Its a damn zombie movie. Enjoy it or GTFO.
Kitty: Whoa. The comments have interested me more than the picture that everyone's fighting over. That's a first. Well I've had my lulz for the day, congrats on being a troll, dirtydale, they make the world more interesting :D
Anonymous23(10): dirtydale if i were the person who told james cameron to make avatar, you're saying i should be just as famous and lauded as the guy who got the crew together, spent years on the movie, and millions of dollars to make the best selling movie of all time, just because i told him an idea i had?
dirtydale: Yes Anyonymous23 if Avatar was actually your creation and you asked James Cameron to make the movie, then yes you SHOULD be just as famous as him. Just like J. R. R. Tolkien is just as famous for actually creating the Lord of the Rings books as Peter Jackson is for making the movies.
Oh and Kitty maybe you should fucking get a clue as to what a troll is. The fact that I RESPONDED to the people starting the shit should probably have put a clue into that tiny little brain of yours.
Anonymous24(4): Jesus titty-fucking Christ! The Tolkein/Jackson argument is beyond broken. dirtydale must be a troll: nobody could actually be that stupid could they?
dirtydale: How is it beyond broken you fuck-twit? If YOU are the originator of an idea and you allow a second party to convert YOUR concept it into another medium then YOU should be credited just as much because with out YOU it wouldn't exsist.
Anonymous25(10): But you see, the point is that while Tolkien created lord of the rings, and duly should be credited for the source material, he shouldn't be given the same credit as peter jackson who directed the films.
Indeed this idea was yours, but you weren't the one who used their craft to create the picture. That's the main argument people are presenting.
dirtydale: Tolkien should be given more credit than Peter Jackson. If it wasn't for him Peter Jackson would still only be known for The Frighteners and c-grade horror/comedies like Dead Alive. Adapting Tolkien's creation is what put Jackson on the map.
Indeed it wasn't my talent that "crafted" this picture. But my money sure as hell had a huge part in it and so does the fact that I detailed virtually everything for Thriller. Everyting in this picture is how I requested him to do it.
Anonymous26: You told him what you WANTED. You gave him money to do so. This does not give you any right to demand credit for the picture itself. You have no creative license over this picture.
I do commissions myself, and if anyone who commissioned me wanted to claim they were as important as me int he creation of my work, I'd want to tell them to go fuck themselves. Requesting the image does not make it yours. Hell, paying for it doesn't make it yours. I can go and buy art all day, but is it mine? No, that copy of it is mine, but the art is the artist's.
In other news, Alice is a shit Mary-Sue character. It doesn't matter how good the actor may be, you can't make a character truly better than they are when the character is shit in the first place. Stealing cool maneuvers from RE games, being all-powerful, being the one everyone comes for help, and being prettier than most or all of the characters does not make them a good character. In fact, it makes them worse. The characters in the games are a lot more developed than Alice ever could be. Alice's Deus ex Machina does not work on my interests.
Also, in before 'anon is a fag.' I'm bi, and a woman. So, yes, I like dicks. I like cunt too. Hence why I even bother looking at this picture besides the good artwork.
A troll is not always one who starts shit, it's one who drags shit out and refuses to back down despite being wrong.
dirtydale: "This does not give you any right to demand credit for the picture itself. You have no creative license over this picture."
Really? That's odd because the picture is mine and Thriller even agrees. He has a policy that he doesn't post any work unless he is given premission from the client that paid him because he understands that he is being paid and that is to take someone's idea (their creative idea) and turn it into something that can be seen.
"I do commissions myself, and if anyone who commissioned me wanted to claim they were as important as me int he creation of my work, I'd want to tell them to go fuck themselves. Requesting the image does not make it yours. Hell, paying for it doesn't make it yours. I can go and buy art all day, but is it mine? No, that copy of it is mine, but the art is the artist's."
That is because you're a fucking tool and try to pretend that just because you know how to work a pencil or a tablet that EVERYTHING is yours when you draw something even when you aren't capable of coming up with an original idea yourself. If someone paid you to do a fucking job then guess what, the person fronting the money has the right to claim and demand anything they want. If someone tells you to erase the picture from your harddrive after finishing the work then you'd sure as shit better do it cause you got fucking paid to do it.
Do you honestly think that the people that work at West Coast Customs tell customers that hire them to customize their car to hand over the pink slips because after doing work for them that car is actually the property of WCC? Fuck no. The car and the ideas for all the customized shit is the property of the customer, WCC was just the hired help to get it made.
"In fact, it makes them worse. The characters in the games are a lot more developed than Alice ever could be."
You must not have played any of the games because if you did you'd know that none of the characters in the first three games even have any backstory. They are just "shells" for the player and other than their name the games don't tell you anything about them. They just exsist for the sake of being there. That isn't exactly "developed".
"A troll is not always one who starts shit, it's one who drags shit out and refuses to back down despite being wrong."
So you're saying your a troll then since you're dragging this shit out and refuse to admit your wrong about damn near everything.
Anonymous28(10): Dirtydale vaguely approached a point about getting what you pay for. He then sabotaged everything with that comment about claiming and demanding anything they want, and then deleting if from ones hard drive.
If I was paid to do a job, and then did it, and then my client told me to erase it from my hard drive because he was now the owner of the image, I would remind him that
1. he is not the creator of the image, nor is the the holder of the intellectual property (capcom or whoever in this case), and only owns the original piece.
and 2. he can fuck off
I would then refuse to ever do any work for that person ever, because fuck that guy.
Giving someone money to do a job doesn't make them your servant. The simple reason for this is because people have self respect.
dirtydale also probably doesnt tip for shit at restaurants.
Dirtydale if you wanna be the fuckin man and stroke your cock over a drawing, you draw a picture of jill taking it up the ass from alice, or wesker, or even another jill. That way, even if its fucking awful, you can honestly say that you are the creator of that image, and then you can freely talk shit to anyone, because hey, you made it.
dirtydale: Anonymous 28, do you know who Stan Lee, Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko are? Stan Lee himself was never an artist for his own company Marvel, it was Kirby and Ditko that did most of the art work for him. But because intelligent people (ie not you) understand the concept "collaborations" Stan Lee is often give equal (and some times even more) credit for creating the Marvel Universe despite the fact that he paid other people do the art work for him.
I never claimed I created Alice or Jill or Resident Evil but this picture is based on MY idea and I paid Thriller to use his skills to turn MY idea into something visual. COLLABERATION
"Giving someone money to do a job doesn't make them your servant. The simple reason for this is because people have self respect."
Actually it does. Have you not even heard of the term "SERVICE" industry? Do you not know how a "boss/employee" scenario works? If one person agrees to take money from someone else then the person accepting the cash is at the orders of the one willing to pay.
If you take a commission and agree to every term that the client sets, then take his money, and then don't do what was agreed upon after you receive your money then you're unprofessional and a complete asshole.
Even with regular 9 to 5 jobs you have to follow the orders and rules set by the owner of the company or store or you'll get fired or they wont even hire you in the first place.
Oh by the way, when the fuck are you going to get an actual screenname for this site? I'd love to see the shitty commissions you do. Or do you just like to hide behind the anonymous screen name like the you stupid twat you are?
Oh and 27, I'll wager a bet that you shit yourself every day because you lack basic self control and that is what keeps you leaving in your parent's basement.
dirtydale: Yes because according to Anonymous 28, the person that draws the art is the only person that can be given credit for the art. Even when the art is based on someone else's idea and wouldn't even exist with out them, the artist is the only person that can be given credit.
Mark Miller is credited for the creation of the The Ultimates when all he did was take long established characters (The Avengers), retell their stories and put them in the year 2000. He didn't draw anything either, Bryan Hitch did that for him.
Anonymous32(10): those characters aren't your intellectual property, so you have nothing in common with any of the examples you listed. You just have more money than skills, or else you could have drawn this, or written fan fiction.
traffik: This has got to be one of the most pointless arguments I've ever seen here, and that's saying a lot. Various anons: for crying out loud, let it go. Let the guy take all the credit he wants to. It means NOTHING. He can 'win' the argument, take equal credit for the pic, and still, it will be a hollow victory, because who will be impressed? No one.
dirtydale: Anonymous32, none of the characters in The Ultimates are Mark Miller's intellectual property since they are just a "modern" version of The Avengers yet he is still given credit for creating them.
Anonymous33(26): I am Anon26. I only posted once. You are being told by a TON of DIFFERENT people that you're wrong. Not just ONE person. Get over yourself.
"I'd like to see Jill getting fucked up the ass by Alice with a strap-on." That's NOT enough of an idea to call this your own creative property. ANYONE can come up with an idea like that. Stan Lee came up with an entire universe of characters and situations. He didn't just come up with something as simple as what you came up with.
And I see no point at getting a screenname here because I only ever come here to look at pictures every once in a while. This is honestly the only thing I've posted on. Why? Because you're overwhelming stupidity was impossible to resist.
According to you, atleast most of, if not all of, the credit should be given to you for commissioning the guy. No. Most of the credit, if you want to take that argument, should be given to Capcom in general for even coming up with the CONCEPT of Resident Evil, let alone all the work they put into writing the scripts, making the character designs, writing the code, making the 3D artwork, etc.
If they hadn't done all that work, the movies would have never been made, you'd never have watched them, you'd never have seen this person's artwork (likely, at least), you'd never have decided to commission them, and this wouldn't exist.
You're 'idea' is nothing and can be applied to all fandoms out there with female characters.
And Paul W. S. Anderson gets credited for his movie versions of the characters, so why shouldn't Mark Miller be credited for modernizing the Avengers? They're still different versions of the same characters and same universes, but they are different and credit goes where credit is due.
And with the car painting idea, dude, they can't own the whole car just for painting on it. But they own the design they painted and if someone else wanted to paint the exact same thing and claim it was theirs, THAT would be wrong.
Anonymous34(26): Also, who said I was just referencing the first three games? Since then all of the characters have had major development. And, actually, if you pay enough attention, the first three games supply nice character development for all of the main characters. You can figure out SO much about the character by how they react to things and how they decide to continue. Sure, they don't tell you all of their BACKSTORY but you don't NEED that. You're there int he now and how they react to the now is all that matters.
Anonymous36: Wow. The sheer stupidity dirtydale has displayed is...well, let's just say that it continues to lower my already abysmal faith in humanity as a whole every time a word appears in one of his posts. Let's recap:
- Say that you don't like a character he likes: You're a retard and he fucked your girlfriend.
- Say that you don't like a film he likes: You're a retard and he fucked your girlfriend.
- Say you don't like an actress he likes: You're a retard and he fucked your girlfriend.
- Point out that purchasing a piece of art does not mean that you own that art, merely a copy (Something that anyone with the slightest understanding of the concept of the ownership of creative property would be able to explain): You're a retard, a tool, and he fucked your girlfriend.
Honestly, if his pure and simple lack of intelligence and basic sense hadn't been enough to make me wonder how he's managed to wake up every morning because he somehow managed to remember to breathe on some unconscious level, and his overtly defensive responses hadn't nearly brought on an intense feeling of pity in me (Honestly, I get the impression that he has little control over matters in his life, hence his powerful reactions to anyone even implying that they differ in opinion or feel he might be wrong), then it would have been the unbelievable creativity that his comebacks required that brought on the lulz.
After all, NO grade school student could possibly come up with a more original comeback than "lolifukdurgurlretrd". You need to hit at least junior high before that kind of talent shows up. At least, back in my day it typically only showed up in junior high. Maybe the grade schoolers have gotten better at their insults since those days.
dirtydale: Fags still talking? I paid for the art to be created, the art wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me as the artist would never have drawn it. You're all fucking retarded.
Anonymous38: I wonder if dirtydale has been exposed to gamma radiation in the same manner as The Hulk: istead of getting stronger the angrier he gets he gets stupider.
dirtydale: Actually it isn't queer. Unlike you, I've got a screen name. Sorry I don't resort to your own stupid ass tactics and pretend to be multiple people and agree with myself over and over. Fucking twat.
dirtydale: And I'm obviously not stunned that you still haven't made yourself a screen name and continue to pretend to be 30+ different people to back yourself up.
Anonymous46(38): Anon45 loves that it took you two posts to get your "points" acrosss dirtyfale: I imagine you were so incandescent with n00b rage that you forgot your second "point". Either that or you were daydreaming about cocks....
dirtydale: Dirtydale loves that Anonymous45 still pretends to be multiple people and what he just mentioned as me failing has also been done in his other anonymous posts. Good job fag.
dirtydale: Still haven't created a username for yourself so you can keep pretending to be multiple people and back yourself up huh? What a sad little faggot.
dirtydale: Damn, anon 48 (37 and 90% of the other ones as well) still doesn't have a user name and prefers to remain in the shadows like some STD infested homo bridge troll.
Here is a possible screen name for you, Faggoty Andy
nubtard: Reading through everything on the page, I'd actually like to see what DirtyDale submitted to the artist when he commissioned the piece.
It would also please me to say "I like turtles."
Anonymous56: Isn't dirtydale the guy who has commissioned most Milla drawings? All the drawings and you losing your shit here whenever someone insults her is fucking creepy dude.
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Ezram, only in your retarded little world does mentioning that Milla slept with someone actually mean that you're calling me stupid (nice job making the spelling mistake in your insult by the way). It must be great for you, being able to say one thing but actually meaning something entirely different.
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You and Neph should do a double suicide thing so the world will have to less fags to deal with.
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If you don't like the movies or her, by all means continue to not like them. I don't give a shit about your opinion. What I give a shit about is that you're using the fact that I posted this picture to come here and tell everyone what you don't like when no one gives a fuck.
So next time you see a picture, try to fight your natural instinct to be a faggy douche and do something producive instead, like posting a picture for a change. You've been a member since 2008 for fuck sakes.
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Fact - xGimpyx, Anonymous1, Norton, Anonymous2, are Selene are Rule34 members that know how to use the comment box properly and not to vent their stupid feelings about what they hate in real life
Fact - NephtheStampede, Ezram, and Kyle are stupid fags that think that just because they are allowed to post a comment that they should use that ability to tell everyone about their stupid fucking opinions.
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Annymous6, do you suck your boyfriend's dick with that mouth?
From the anus. Like Jill.
Dblfact - Milla blew her load in Fifth Element. She hasn't been interesting, or notable, since.
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By the way, do all you anonymous faggots have some sort of collective thought process? I insult one of you retards and it is like you put up some sort of fag signal so the rest of you can come to your fallen faggot lover.
Actually, that's pretty freaking accurate, shit hollywood fucked up that adaptation royally. It's not even opinion, it's a god damn FACT! Didn't pick up on him bashing Milla Jovovich at first, I'd have to disagree, she's fucking awesome. Her movies?.. well, they're hit or miss.
Anyway, I think opinions are allowed here, what shouldn't be allowed is people attacking others almost needlessly. I was gonna thank you for requesting that this wonderful picture be created dirtydale, but since you're making such an ass of yourself today, just forget it.
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Norton, just so you know since you apparently have very short term memory, you already thanked me for the picture. You made the third reply dumbass.
Does everyone have a dirtydale Anon9? I bet one thing most people don't have is the clap, that's something special for retards like you.
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Anonymous18/19, did you guys get breaks from your fluffer duties? And the only people I'm calling gay are the actual gay people that have a problem with attractive women.
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I hope you use a larger gun than that pussy Hinckley. Foreign babes is harder to impress, you actually have to KILL your target.
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Also, gotta say, I agree with dirtydale: its porn, its not for your opinion.
But i have to say, the movies weren't that bad (they weren't GREAT, but they're okay) and Milla is hot, but she's flat-chested (turn-off). The chick who played Jill in the movies was like five times hotter. And I have no formed opinion on her acting, mostly because I don't give a shit. Its a damn zombie movie. Enjoy it or GTFO.
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Oh and Kitty maybe you should fucking get a clue as to what a troll is. The fact that I RESPONDED to the people starting the shit should probably have put a clue into that tiny little brain of yours.
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How is that not understandable cunt?
Indeed this idea was yours, but you weren't the one who used their craft to create the picture. That's the main argument people are presenting.
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Indeed it wasn't my talent that "crafted" this picture. But my money sure as hell had a huge part in it and so does the fact that I detailed virtually everything for Thriller. Everyting in this picture is how I requested him to do it.
I do commissions myself, and if anyone who commissioned me wanted to claim they were as important as me int he creation of my work, I'd want to tell them to go fuck themselves. Requesting the image does not make it yours. Hell, paying for it doesn't make it yours. I can go and buy art all day, but is it mine? No, that copy of it is mine, but the art is the artist's.
In other news, Alice is a shit Mary-Sue character. It doesn't matter how good the actor may be, you can't make a character truly better than they are when the character is shit in the first place. Stealing cool maneuvers from RE games, being all-powerful, being the one everyone comes for help, and being prettier than most or all of the characters does not make them a good character. In fact, it makes them worse. The characters in the games are a lot more developed than Alice ever could be. Alice's Deus ex Machina does not work on my interests.
Also, in before 'anon is a fag.' I'm bi, and a woman. So, yes, I like dicks. I like cunt too. Hence why I even bother looking at this picture besides the good artwork.
A troll is not always one who starts shit, it's one who drags shit out and refuses to back down despite being wrong.
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Really? That's odd because the picture is mine and Thriller even agrees. He has a policy that he doesn't post any work unless he is given premission from the client that paid him because he understands that he is being paid and that is to take someone's idea (their creative idea) and turn it into something that can be seen.
"I do commissions myself, and if anyone who commissioned me wanted to claim they were as important as me int he creation of my work, I'd want to tell them to go fuck themselves. Requesting the image does not make it yours. Hell, paying for it doesn't make it yours. I can go and buy art all day, but is it mine? No, that copy of it is mine, but the art is the artist's."
That is because you're a fucking tool and try to pretend that just because you know how to work a pencil or a tablet that EVERYTHING is yours when you draw something even when you aren't capable of coming up with an original idea yourself. If someone paid you to do a fucking job then guess what, the person fronting the money has the right to claim and demand anything they want. If someone tells you to erase the picture from your harddrive after finishing the work then you'd sure as shit better do it cause you got fucking paid to do it.
Do you honestly think that the people that work at West Coast Customs tell customers that hire them to customize their car to hand over the pink slips because after doing work for them that car is actually the property of WCC? Fuck no. The car and the ideas for all the customized shit is the property of the customer, WCC was just the hired help to get it made.
"In fact, it makes them worse. The characters in the games are a lot more developed than Alice ever could be."
You must not have played any of the games because if you did you'd know that none of the characters in the first three games even have any backstory. They are just "shells" for the player and other than their name the games don't tell you anything about them. They just exsist for the sake of being there. That isn't exactly "developed".
"A troll is not always one who starts shit, it's one who drags shit out and refuses to back down despite being wrong."
So you're saying your a troll then since you're dragging this shit out and refuse to admit your wrong about damn near everything.
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If I was paid to do a job, and then did it, and then my client told me to erase it from my hard drive because he was now the owner of the image, I would remind him that
1. he is not the creator of the image, nor is the the holder of the intellectual property (capcom or whoever in this case), and only owns the original piece.
and 2. he can fuck off
I would then refuse to ever do any work for that person ever, because fuck that guy.
Giving someone money to do a job doesn't make them your servant. The simple reason for this is because people have self respect.
dirtydale also probably doesnt tip for shit at restaurants.
Dirtydale if you wanna be the fuckin man and stroke your cock over a drawing, you draw a picture of jill taking it up the ass from alice, or wesker, or even another jill. That way, even if its fucking awful, you can honestly say that you are the creator of that image, and then you can freely talk shit to anyone, because hey, you made it.
None of that is so in this case. Douchebag.
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I never claimed I created Alice or Jill or Resident Evil but this picture is based on MY idea and I paid Thriller to use his skills to turn MY idea into something visual. COLLABERATION
"Giving someone money to do a job doesn't make them your servant. The simple reason for this is because people have self respect."
Actually it does. Have you not even heard of the term "SERVICE" industry? Do you not know how a "boss/employee" scenario works? If one person agrees to take money from someone else then the person accepting the cash is at the orders of the one willing to pay.
If you take a commission and agree to every term that the client sets, then take his money, and then don't do what was agreed upon after you receive your money then you're unprofessional and a complete asshole.
Even with regular 9 to 5 jobs you have to follow the orders and rules set by the owner of the company or store or you'll get fired or they wont even hire you in the first place.
Oh by the way, when the fuck are you going to get an actual screenname for this site? I'd love to see the shitty commissions you do. Or do you just like to hide behind the anonymous screen name like the you stupid twat you are?
Oh and 27, I'll wager a bet that you shit yourself every day because you lack basic self control and that is what keeps you leaving in your parent's basement.
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Mark Miller is credited for the creation of the The Ultimates when all he did was take long established characters (The Avengers), retell their stories and put them in the year 2000. He didn't draw anything either, Bryan Hitch did that for him.
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"I'd like to see Jill getting fucked up the ass by Alice with a strap-on." That's NOT enough of an idea to call this your own creative property. ANYONE can come up with an idea like that. Stan Lee came up with an entire universe of characters and situations. He didn't just come up with something as simple as what you came up with.
And I see no point at getting a screenname here because I only ever come here to look at pictures every once in a while. This is honestly the only thing I've posted on. Why? Because you're overwhelming stupidity was impossible to resist.
According to you, atleast most of, if not all of, the credit should be given to you for commissioning the guy. No. Most of the credit, if you want to take that argument, should be given to Capcom in general for even coming up with the CONCEPT of Resident Evil, let alone all the work they put into writing the scripts, making the character designs, writing the code, making the 3D artwork, etc.
If they hadn't done all that work, the movies would have never been made, you'd never have watched them, you'd never have seen this person's artwork (likely, at least), you'd never have decided to commission them, and this wouldn't exist.
You're 'idea' is nothing and can be applied to all fandoms out there with female characters.
And Paul W. S. Anderson gets credited for his movie versions of the characters, so why shouldn't Mark Miller be credited for modernizing the Avengers? They're still different versions of the same characters and same universes, but they are different and credit goes where credit is due.
And with the car painting idea, dude, they can't own the whole car just for painting on it. But they own the design they painted and if someone else wanted to paint the exact same thing and claim it was theirs, THAT would be wrong.
- Say that you don't like a character he likes: You're a retard and he fucked your girlfriend.
- Say that you don't like a film he likes: You're a retard and he fucked your girlfriend.
- Say you don't like an actress he likes: You're a retard and he fucked your girlfriend.
- Point out that purchasing a piece of art does not mean that you own that art, merely a copy (Something that anyone with the slightest understanding of the concept of the ownership of creative property would be able to explain): You're a retard, a tool, and he fucked your girlfriend.
Honestly, if his pure and simple lack of intelligence and basic sense hadn't been enough to make me wonder how he's managed to wake up every morning because he somehow managed to remember to breathe on some unconscious level, and his overtly defensive responses hadn't nearly brought on an intense feeling of pity in me (Honestly, I get the impression that he has little control over matters in his life, hence his powerful reactions to anyone even implying that they differ in opinion or feel he might be wrong), then it would have been the unbelievable creativity that his comebacks required that brought on the lulz.
After all, NO grade school student could possibly come up with a more original comeback than "lolifukdurgurlretrd". You need to hit at least junior high before that kind of talent shows up. At least, back in my day it typically only showed up in junior high. Maybe the grade schoolers have gotten better at their insults since those days.
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Thanks guys.
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Porn's good.
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Here is a possible screen name for you, Faggoty Andy
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It would also please me to say "I like turtles."