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TagsHokusai, The_Great_Wave_Off_Kanagawa, art, featured_image
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Info900x637 // 161KB // jpg
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Titanium: Lol nice find.
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Anonymous1: The Great Wave Off Kanagawa? ahahahaaaaaa
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Anonymous2: How rare
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Magneto: Oh wow
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Anonymous3: Now THIS is feature material.
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Anonymous4: Pure brilliance.
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Anonymous5: Feature it NOW!
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Anonymous6: Wow. Feature this.

Holy shit.
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Anonymous7: Ah, art.
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BimboBeans: HO GOD wow
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Anonymous8: i love fine art 34
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Anonymous9: feature this
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Anonymous10: LOL! FEATURE!
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Anonymous11: Hey, it's the opening scene to Look Who's Talking?
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Titanium: Featured for Art History!

This influenced the Impressionist movement.
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warrior: I am impressed.
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Skeletalcore: wtf there's a mountain in there
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PenorSmash: ^ i just noticed that skeletal lol wtf is it doin in there?
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Skeletalcore: mountains, in my vagina? more likely than you think.
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Anonymous12: Ow. Femanon does not like pressure against cervix or facking cumming in it. :/
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Titanium: Also notice the name tag takes the place of the censor bar.

Anon11 - Indeed, this is impossible.
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broman88: I though it was a crescent moon...
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Anonymous13: Ti, not without serious tearing and bruising.
In context, that sentance makes me hard.
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8o8: at first i didn't get the joke


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Next piece???
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iKami: The Mount Fuji makes it perfect.
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Anonymous6105618827: I see a kidney
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Franky_Whiskey: that was god fucking earth seconds before the 2004 Tsunami
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ReturnOfOctobot: Hahahahaha, I had to think about this one for a bit to get it, but now that I do I see I love it. :D
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Anonymous16: Porn of classic artwork? IS NOTHING SACRED ANYM--

Never mind, dumb question.
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Shock_Headed_Penor: The true essence of yin and yang.
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sgf: Someone was pregnant with the country of Japan apparently.
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Anonymous17: So let me get something straight here a classic peice of art is now disgraced on to a pornography website. IS THERE A NAME FOR WHATS WRONG WITH THESE SITE WRITERS?!
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Anonymous18: PURE ART
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Anonymous19: ive tried to blast through her cervix and fill up her uterus but to no avail. i gots cockblocked
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Anonymous20: Daaaaamn yoooooou ruuule thiiiiirtyyyyy fooooour!!!!
Great work though lol
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BanShee42: Lol, Fuji.
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Anonymous21: i want a hot cock to blast in my pussy like that
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Anonymous22: Anon 16 needs to get out.
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Anonymous23: Anon20 implying he owns a cat.

Nice feature Titanium.
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Anonymous24: Porn of anything indeed
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nagger: In the not-too-far future, I expect to see museums dedicated to rule34 of famous art.

This picture will be among the many great works in those museums.
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Captain_Anon: Interestingly, regarding sgf's comment, the creation myth of Japan is that 2 gods fucked and gave birth to the lands. Yeah.
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TheBigMansini: Nametag censor... Fucking genius XD
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Anonymous25: My childhood ;_;
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Draken: anon 22 wins
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Witchan: Nice art is nice.
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Alopex: ...just when I think i've seen it all, rule 34 never fails to impress. Bravo.
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Anonymous26: crappy edit of the original ..
I appreciate it for the lol, though.
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Anonymous27: its art and porn, but mostly art, awesome thou
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Anonymous28: el squidito on el stiquito? Meh. FUCK YEAH. DIS IMAGE GOT F33TUERED
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Dr-Cane: full of oriental win
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FinalGamer: Wow. That is beautiful.
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Anonymous29: How is THIS your childhood, anon24? Are you over 200 years old?!
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Anonymous30: You know, whether it's a complete and utter mind fuck, an interesting art parody, fucking in new and creative ways or even the personification of our beloved admin, somehow this site never fails to impress and disturb me.
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Anonymous31: Lol, there's a mountain in there!
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salted: anon30 is 17 anons slow.
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MaDrow: now you can't say they don't came...
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Anonymous32: Yeah, I still don't see the mountain.
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Anonymous33: I think Anonymous22, that the Anonymous you're referring to(20), is implying that, He's a She either, bulldyke, fem, bi, straight, and, alone! Buuuuuuut, MAYBE I'm wrong, and, You're right! I doubt it.
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Anonymous34: I'll never look at the giant poster in my room the same. Ever again.
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DJR_1989: Great Cumshot Off Vaginakawa
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Anonymous35: I always wondered why they had so much bukakke porn. Now I know.
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Anonymous36: Anon31- Bottom right corner, the green colored area.
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Anonymous37: This is a feature of value.
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Weapon_R: simply amazing... i approve of this
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Anonymous38: cummmm
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Anonymous39: PIXEL JUNK SHOOTER.. o wait
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SR500: This is amazing. Excellent feature.
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Anonymous40: HAWT
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Anonymous41: Art has many forms... this is the least explored.
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Anonymous42: We talked about porn in my writing seminar class today...I love the world
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Ensse: I don't really get it. Whatever art this is based on, or whatever you guys are talking about, I've obviously never seen before. And this is coming from a guy who actually LIVED in Okinawa for a few years. :/

Aside from that, referring to Titanium's comment, it is possible. It takes some time, but you can loosen up the cervix with a lot of stimulation so that it doesn't hurt. My ex and I discovered that a while back.
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Anonymous43: Pro tip: The central feature of this image is the uterus, not the vagina. Mount Fuji is in the uterus in this picture, not the vagina.

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Ensse: Ok, I looked up the original. It's interesting that someone would make porn out of that.
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Anonymous44: I shat bricks.

Ensse: Surely you've seen that picture of Japanese fishermen in a boat with that enormous blue wave and Mount Fuji in the background? It's maybe the most iconic piece of Japanese art ever painted.
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Anonymous45: Soooo, Moby Dick made the ocean?....
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agile52: now that is impressive, and oddly believeable
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Ladytron: Holy shit.. this is absolutely awesome!
Although it must be painful to have a penis hit and ejaculate right through the mucus lining of your cervix straight into your uterus. xD
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boba_tea: erotica at its finest.
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Anonymous46: Need more Fuji porn.
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Anonymous47: ONLY ANONYMOUS.. will understand the LOGIC behind this pic!!
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Anonymous48: FEATURE THIS NAOW!!
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ToonedIn: Hokusai would be so proud...
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LadyStardust: Heh . . Very clever art.
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LadyStardust: @Gestapo: Are artists like . . some kind of endagered species now? Are people losing interest in porn? I don't think so . . There's always new generations of artists and perverts to keep Paheal happily chugging along. Don't be such a gloomy mushroom . .
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Anonymous49: TZUNAMI...
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imaajfpstnfo: This is no Japanese setting!!!
As Southpark tought us thouroughly all Japanese have tinee little peenis , no long eenough for hitting cerveex.
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Anonymous50: ^and what if the girl has an small vagoo?
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imaajfpstnfo: but japanees peenis so tiny that barely touch vagina in the making of the coitus! It can't get in in the first pulace.
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Anonymous51: Glorious. Honestly? This is one of the best things I've ever seen.

Could hold it's own in an art v. Porn argument.
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Anonymous52: Honestly, I don't get why the femanons find the dick hitting the cervix so painful. I have a dildo and it has never hurt for me when I do that. Try doing it with your dildo when you're about to hit climax, feels really fucking good.

Ahaha, too bad i'm lonely, I would love a man to blast that much cum inside me. <3
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Anonymous53: im 12 years old and what is this?
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Anonymous54: @Anon5 if your 12 years old get the fudge out! you don't need to be seeing this stuff until your older, I do because I'm a fuckin' perv and proud of it.
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Anonymous55: Oh, god! We have a 12 year old kid! Why don't they understand that you need to be 18 or older to go on this site?!
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8o8: anon52 & anon53

people who don't understand that
"im 12 years old and what is this?"
is an old meme
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Anonymous56: ^you guys dont understand the joke of "im 12 and what is this?"
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Anonymous57: This has made me wonder if anybody has done a proper M.C. Escher style tessellation of cocks and cunts.
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Anonymous58: I don't know why theres a mt. fuji there...anyway LOL
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8o8: for the people who can't see the mt. fuji

it's the mountain (colored green) on the bottom right corner
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Anonymous59: so i noticed my anti virus aproves this site now YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!?????????????? WHAT??????
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Anonymous60: That's just freaken awesome.
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Anonymous61: Feature that is artistic and doesn't burn my eyes out or give me severe case of WTF. NICE.
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Anonymous62: This is fuckin' stupid. WTF
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Anonymous63: You all act like its hard to come across Fine Art on 34...
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Anonymous64(32): WHAT?! Topflite?! Holy fucking shit!! I mean, actual commercial sites like DS, that I can understand, but fucking Topflite? Duuuude.
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Krawczyk: lol maybe he just saw his fellows in D-S were getting on the list and decided to come with?
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Anonymous65: For all you noobs:

Read some art history.
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Anonymous66(32): Oh yeah, there it is in all its snow-capped glory. Must be one hell of a vagina.
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Anonymous67: Topflite, Apostle, Tram Pararam, who is next? Honda05? Zimmerman? Slipway? Cartoon Reality? Only time will tell.
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Anonymous68(67): Oopps, Cartoon Reality is already on the Do Not Post List (an extensive list it is). Meant to say Toon-Party.
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General_Vagueness: Confucius say mountain in womb make for rocky pregnancy
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Anonymous69: Confucius says: Man, who eats many jellybeans, shits in Technicolor.
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Anonymous70: maybe Drawn-Sex
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Anonymous71(69): Confucius says: Man who goes to bed with sex on mind, wake up with solution in hand.
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echo34: All those comments on Drawn-Sex comics.. gone forever.. that makes me so FUCKING ANGRY-A!
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Anonymous72: I don't miss the CRUDE art of Drawn-Sex or that of Tram Pararam. Soemele can take a hike or a powder and I wouldn't care.

By the way, Anatomic views of sexual activity ,even if Japanese in sourse,origin and essense, are not desired or needed by ME. It reduces everybody to just raw meat.

Topic Killer
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Ensse: @Anonymous42: Nope, never seen it until I looked it up.
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Anonymous73(44): All those "artists" you just ticked off are absolutely terrible. I've seen vomit stains on the carpet from my dog that are more sexy than Drawn-Sex or those other crappy hacks. How they manage to get enough people to pay for their trash to make it all worthwhile mystifies me. The site is better for not having that crap on it. It's seriously the best thing ever to happen to it.
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Anonymous74(59): ever since you took all that art of a few days ago this site has been slow as hell and then the 504 bad gateway errors started but dont get me wrong i dont miss any of that art at all... long comment is loooooong
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Anonymous75: ...This is amazing.
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Anonymous76(32): Yeah, but Drawn-Sex was never about the drawn sex as much as it was about the lulz, and that's what I'm going to miss :(
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Anonymous77: I swear I've seen the manga this is from. Either that or this is the most bizarre deja-vu ever...
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kirikittn: "Franky_Whiskey: that was god fucking earth seconds before the 2004 Tsunami"

Nope, foreshadowing of the 2011 tsunami!
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General_Scales: ^Yup. Should've been featured a litle more recently.
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Anonymous78: That's actually very clever

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