ilikefood: This seems to be a combination of the other inexplicable crossover pics that were uploaded in super-high resolution. I could only identify a few things.
Anonymous16: please remove your hands from the keyboard and return to your regularly programmed fapping. had this been an actual discussion, you would have been on a site without boatsex. thank you, that is all.
Anonymous37: GrompleChoppters.
HEY, whoever does the tag thing, the cat girl with the green hair getting it in the doo-doo hole from Shadow looks like Erma (Elma/Eruma/whateverjapaneselol) from Tenchi Muyo GXP. Also I am a dork.
Anonymous39: Numb left hand+heavily stained trunks+a little sweat+hurting penis+Renamon's 500 pics= NEW FAVORITE SITE!
Today was a nice day to work out, if ya know what I mean.
Firefox: Please note, that most of the characters here, are from Sonic the Hedgehog. And I didn't come here to discuss grammatical errors. IM HERE TO FAP!!!!
jimfromtx: I cleaned up a few of the tags (we don't need Rebecca's name in there twice, plus one of them was misspelled, and we don't need Wakko + Wakko_Warner, same for Yakko, etc). Cleaning up a few redundant tags would make this site run a good bit faster, I would think. Or at least not make my browser die if I visit the tag list page o_O
wutmaster: ^Your own stupidity does not give you the right to tell others, who actually know how to write, to "GTFO".
You tell them, Anon24!
It's not that fucking hard!
Anonymous60: i laughed when i first saw this picture...after reading all of these comments...i've learned more english that i wanted to ever remember...
Urbane_Guerrilla: Nobody has a right to occupy homonym hell: not native speakers, not ESL students. Both get trained to understand that there/their/they're are all different concepts and your/you're/yore are that way also.
Some blockheads, however, are untrainable because they ate paint chips or something when they were small, and grew up soooo very stooooooopid. And they're dopey enough to prove how STOOOOOPID they are in front of God, the Internet, and simply everybody.
It is tiresome. It is very tiresome. Not knowing these things after you've been trained in them indicates minds as limp as their dicks, no?
Urbane_Guerrilla: Oh, and it is the possessive case that takes the apostrophe, 58, not the plural form (which is not a case). If it helps, think of it like "Nazi-his" -- omit a couple letters, put in an apostrophe to say you omitted letters, and you get "Nazi's," as in "the Nazi's grammar book," for the aid of the Hitler Youth who's still learning his Deutsch. Two Nazis not having anything don't have any tadpole either. (So, clearly, they haven't been to the swimming hole.) Other wonderful details about apostrophes abound in Strunk & White -- or in several other remedial grammars. Eats, Shoots, and Leaves comes to mind.
Anonymous81(80): Up to 80 (81) anons now XD
(Also, it IS the olny picture with both of them. Though more poeple would have thought of that combo but i guess not.)
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...I commend the artist for a pic this epic.
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Who could guess it, huh?
I meant *Leo.
You should've capitalized "you" to be "You" and put a period at the end of your sentence, idiot.
You must construct more pylons, idiot.
They're = they are.
There = in that place
Their = belonging to them
And as a bonus:
It's = it is
Its = belonging to it
(There is no such thing as " its' " )
You're = you are
Your = belonging to you
Fratley porn is as rare as hen's teeth.
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- Reply
HEY, whoever does the tag thing, the cat girl with the green hair getting it in the doo-doo hole from Shadow looks like Erma (Elma/Eruma/whateverjapaneselol) from Tenchi Muyo GXP. Also I am a dork.
Today was a nice day to work out, if ya know what I mean.
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mewtwo's forearms arent that big
Wave and Cream ftw.
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You tell them, Anon24!
It's not that fucking hard!
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Yore = long ago
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Now there's a statement open to misinterpretation. ^^;
Some blockheads, however, are untrainable because they ate paint chips or something when they were small, and grew up soooo very stooooooopid. And they're dopey enough to prove how STOOOOOPID they are in front of God, the Internet, and simply everybody.
It is tiresome. It is very tiresome. Not knowing these things after you've been trained in them indicates minds as limp as their dicks, no?
it is a playground.
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And I lol'd at Tails floating in the air.
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I Can't See The Pic My Computer Won't Load It.
Can Somone Please E-Mail It To Me Please?
My E-Mail Is
(Also, it IS the olny picture with both of them. Though more poeple would have thought of that combo but i guess not.)
but none of it to eat