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Anamenous: So there's a story here. I occasionally trace screenshots from cartoons and anime and post the vectorized image at high resolution on my Pixiv. Don't ask me why I do that it's not important. So, I traced a screenshot from Totally Spies and posted it in March 2020. TacconiUnto123 took my vector and did further editing to it to create a nude version and two partial nude versions, and posted his versions on his Deviantart in September of 2020. I didn't knows those versions existed until just now, when someone posted them here on Paheal. Except the images that were posted are deviantart's low-rez samples and not the full size. I took the liberty of reposting the full sized images, but I can't post my version because it has no actual nudity. If you want to see it it's here: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/81866825
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Anonymous1: As três ficam lindas sem calça e com as bundas lindas e macias de fora.