SpacePirateLord: FINALLY! Some new, excellent quality, Lulu porn... Why doesn't she have more porn? It doesn't make sense. Her tits are as big as Tifa's, she's a black mage, gothic... How do you get hotter?
Her lack of pictures is disturbing... almost as much as the lack of Eiken porn, ALMOST.
Anonymous3: I agree with SpacePirateLord. When the game first came out there were a hole lot of Yuna and Rikku porn but hardly any Lulu at all. The most you can get the poor quality pictures drawn by 5 year olds. I don't understand. Even right now, you can get pictures of the new FFXIII girls like Lightning, Vanille, Fang, but you can't find much for Jihl Nabaat.
Her lack of pictures is disturbing... almost as much as the lack of Eiken porn, ALMOST.