Anonymous3: "Based on" means I used original artist's work as source. I'm "just" edited them and created this comic page. When you say, I steel his art means I did it with original artist' agreement. And as you see, I gave credit ti him. The only thief is this post's uploader. I published these pictures in only one site. Less than 2 hours Thief Chrsuckosta, published them on many other site, including this. Now I can't do it. He didn't give any credit to me. Check the tags. Can you see my nick?
I created a 7 pages comic, but I'll keep the rest. If you liked it, please ask ChrSuckOsta to publish.
Bye: attitude
I created a 7 pages comic, but I'll keep the rest. If you liked it, please ask ChrSuckOsta to publish.
Bye: attitude