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TagsHomer_Simpson, Marge_Simpson, The_Simpsons, Yellowgirl
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Info900x684 // 363KB // png
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SlippyTheToad: Got milk?
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MagnusRex: Can I get some cookies to go with my MILF?
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Anonymous1: hawt
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ihada: Got Milf?
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Anonymous2: Marge spills milk everywhere while Homer eats shit. Just another day in the Simpson household.
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gabrilmanx: marge, give me the mi... hamana-hamana-hamana-hamana-hamana-hamana
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MyNameIsJonas: Pre-Recession: FUCKING HAWT
Recession: Now she has to spend more and more milk.
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Flanker: I want to drink that milk from her body...
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Anonymous3: Marge: Milf body-shots, anyone?
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Anonymous4: It's the ONLY way Marge gets anyone besides Maggy to drink milk straight(almost)from the bottle! Maggie gets Her's straight from the source(She keeps the pumps primed.)after all!
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Anonymous5(4): Marge, give me the mi...WOO, HOOOOOOOOOO!
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RandomGuyNamedChuck: *opens fridge* WHERE THE HELL IS ALL THE... *pulls up a chair* Continue.
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Anonymous6: why is homer shitting out his mouth?
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whoandchoFORGOTHIMPASSWORDxD: marge reminds me that girl who got thats smile that reminds me chilldhood memories ^^
here is your hommie ^^

my engrish sucks XD
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Anonymous7: IRONY
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gabrilmanx: Anon5 you bastard! XD
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Anonymous8: why is homer eating dung?
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Slaughter_House_Murder_Factory: Much of this stuff is new to me, I like it
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Anonymous10: great body/milk combo...shit face
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Anonymous11: LOOK HOMER IS EATING POOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Anonymous12: I'm guessing Homer is eating Hot Cereal,(Malto Meal, Toasted Oatmeal, etc)Myself, tho if a HOTTY like Marge was doing this in front of ME, I might NOT be paying attention to what in front of ME(BART!)! All You Fecaphiles and Scatophiles, disregard this PSA(Public Service Announcement), Please! And, Now, continue with Your regularly scheduled fapping!
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Anonymous13: She looks like a fraggle

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