Beerman: In response to my Chipettes-Powerpuff Girls picture Tuscon Coyote, aka Doc Stormfury suggested a sequel featuring the Rowdy Rough Boys. From that idea this adventure was born. One has to have seen the original PPG episode when the girls first combated the RRB to pick up on Buttercup/Brittney's comments.
Original filename is: Chip-PPGvsRRB
Circa 2004.
Beerman: Yeah, that's the problem with checking dates by the file attributes instead of looking at the picture!
Good thing the word circa can also mean of approximate date... helps dodge the egg on me face, eh?
Rule_00100010: I'm a little confused as to who's who here. I think the cast of characters goes like this:
- "Blossom" apparently is being cosplayed by either Jeanette with dyed hair, or Brittany wearing Janette's glasses.
- "Brick" is either Simon wearing Alvin's clothes or Alvin wearing Simon's glasses.
- "Buttercup" is either Brittany or Jeanette (sans glasses) in a wig.
- "Butch" looks a little like Theodore, but he's acting like Alvin.
- "Bubbles" is obviously Eleanor.
- "Boomer" is either Alvin or Theodore, I can't tell which.
Beerman: OK, Chipmunks and Chipettes are cosplaying RRB and PPG.
All the boys seem out of character for Chipmunks because they're in character for Rowdy-Rough-boys.
Link to above mentioned pic >>375469
Anonymous4: Sexy rape of penis in your ass and until my pissy in your fucking poopy booboo ass burns the inside of your vagina and masturbate with your piss on my femboy penis from both the power puff girls and Alvin and the chipmunks.
Original filename is: Chip-PPGvsRRB
Circa 2004.
But it's dated 2002 right under your signature, dude.
Good thing the word circa can also mean of approximate date... helps dodge the egg on me face, eh?
- "Blossom" apparently is being cosplayed by either Jeanette with dyed hair, or Brittany wearing Janette's glasses.
- "Brick" is either Simon wearing Alvin's clothes or Alvin wearing Simon's glasses.
- "Buttercup" is either Brittany or Jeanette (sans glasses) in a wig.
- "Butch" looks a little like Theodore, but he's acting like Alvin.
- "Bubbles" is obviously Eleanor.
- "Boomer" is either Alvin or Theodore, I can't tell which.
All the boys seem out of character for Chipmunks because they're in character for Rowdy-Rough-boys.
Link to above mentioned pic >>375469
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