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TagsEA, Kinon_Bachika, Kiyal_Bachika, Kiyoh_Bachika, Microsoft, Sony, Tengen_Toppa_Gurren_Lagann, edit
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Info737x521 // 175KB // jpg
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Anonymous1: but who was microsoft
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Anonymous2: is this a subtle way to state that EA are just a bunch of attractive and successful Africans?
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Anonymous3: this is a great social commentary on todays video game landscape, all about how EA fucks everyone
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Yellow: "Uploaded by Activision 1 hour ago (edit info)"

-shakes fist-
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Anonymous4: Its Funny because its true XD
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Anonymous5: *waiting for some Apple fag to comment*
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Anonymous6: What because EA doesnt fuck over Macintosh operated systems? lol
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Anonymous7: apple fag well apples are making more money then all the system conbine BITBHCDHFIFHSIGDHKVADHN
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HentaFan: Originals:
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BattleFennec: Anon, that's because Apple rips people off without a choice. With iPhones releasing a quintillion versions a year, and with tons of iMacs and people bitching about how they're useless the next year is why Apple is gaining economy over Microsoft. But hey...

They sell more than just computers. Microsoft's still got the gain because of the Xbox 360 and Halo franchise, which is pwning Apple in more ways than one. ;D
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Anonymous8: Thought it was the paper sisters to start with
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Anonymous9: There should be one of EA and Activision high fiving as they DP the US.
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Anonymous10: No anal?! wtf!? This is sooo not canon.
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TheBumOfRule34: *sniiiiiiiiiifffffffffff* aaaahhhh I love the smell of console war in the morning.
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nagger: It's almost funny how EA isn't even the worst anymore, these days. Activision and Ubisoft are doing their best to replace EA as "most evil software publisher ever".
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Anonymous11: Yellow and the bum win.
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YetAnotherAnon: I'm beginning to see a pattern emerge...
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Anonymous12: I hate eletronic arts they just think about money
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Anonymous13: LOL
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Anonymous14: could have used more effort??
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Harley_Quinn_hyenaholic: This really should be deleted. Surely this can't be considered art? It's just a picture of porn with somebody pasting logos over heads.
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Anonymous15: ^You fool! There is no rule on this website regarding art quality, so you are hopeless!
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MrAnon: Figures the brutish 'ganstas' are EA.

Enjoy your sterotyping and arguement now! *Grins evily*
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Anonymous16: You forget the OrangeBox for Ps3
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Estel: Accuracy level: 9001
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Anonymous17: Not really r34...
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Anonymous18: Ummm... Guys? No one asked where we can find this, without EA and shit all over it. xD
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Anonymous19: link to original
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l0rd0ct0d0rk: so if i gives ea some grape koo-laids watermelonz and fried chikinz, dey make me sum better games?
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Anonymous20: seems legit.
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Anonymous21: nintendo
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Anonymous22: this pic sucks ass it a bunch a attractive and successful Africans fucking a bunch a cracker damn what next wetback porn
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Anonymous23(22): is this attractive and successful African porn
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Anonymous24(22): Damn attractive and successful Africans
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HentaiJin: EA has all the bitches
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Anonymous25: >tries to search for pron of Nintendo characters
>end up here

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NSFW_Jackal: @Anonymous:
So true xD
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Anonymous26: @Anonymous:
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Anonymous27: EA plsssssssssssssssssssssssss
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Anonymous28: @Anonymous: PORCO DIO PORCA MADONNA
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Anonymous29: h
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Anonymous30: where can i find the original photo?
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Batabii: Why is this the ONLY image tagged as "nintendo"? The other rule34 website uses nintendo for ALL nintendo properties
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Anonymous31: @Batabii: Because Paheal sucks ass with tags.
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Anonymous32: @Batabii: @Anonymous: because this is just some lazy faggot's shitty edit to make the actual characters to represent corporations somehow. here's the actual image >>251772
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Anonymous33: @Batabii: @Anonymous: @Anonymous: becuz nintendo tag was nuked time ago and someone else added it to this shit

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