Anonymous5: Anon #1 has given me the inspiration for a new curse: "Go varnish some cocks."
Could also be applied to "Disregard that, I varnish cocks."
In other news, this one actually manages to skirt the worst part of the Uncanny Valley, methinks. But it's not completely out of it; those are some scary genitals.
Anonymous12: wow ive missed alot on tomb raider.i dont remember this game ive got to get back on the tomb raider wagon again.looks like graphics have improved better than that really bad angel of darkness ugh...>_>
Could also be applied to "Disregard that, I varnish cocks."
In other news, this one actually manages to skirt the worst part of the Uncanny Valley, methinks. But it's not completely out of it; those are some scary genitals.
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I know someone who worked on this game.