Jairus: Before people preach copypasta. I actually did the liberty of fixing her face. The previous picture of whomever artist. Obviously put more detail into the gun, then her face. But that's fixed now.
Anonymous14: I'm not exactly a god of Photoshop. Just did some click and drag morphing on her face. Her old face looked jagged. Head was disproportionate. Hair was sticking out of F'd up parts. The face just pissed me off.
Anonymous17: anon 16 and 10, it isn't Halo that kills the aliens. Kat kills aliens. Master Chief kills aliens. Humans kill aliens. halo is a PLANET!!! more accurately a ring world. and to the artist, I prefered the other one. this one is good, but it just looks like she gaines some cheek fat. and the eyes don't, i hate to say this, sparkle like the other one. This one, she just looks listless.
lillacloud: halo is not a guy or an planet ITS THE NAME OF THE FUCKING GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and books and movies
this is kat shes in noble team in the newest game halo Reach
Anonymous20: Huh. I really expected more from Paheadophiles (17,lilliacunt) on the fuckin' basics of internet ettiquite, but I guess as long as humans exist so will stupid. Ah well.
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I fixed this in terms of accuracy. This picture accurately match's Kat's facial features.
But that's just like your opinion, man.
I bet he has a job and is a productive member of society.
Poor bastard.
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and books and movies
this is kat shes in noble team in the newest game halo Reach
Also great edit
They're called pussy lips. Look 'em up. Goddamned retard faggot.
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