Anonymous4: @Anonymous: because I don't support real people porn. That's fucking disgusting. Besides anonymous 3 had defended someone who wouldn't even view porn. LIKE DUDE HALF OF THESE ARE KIDS
Anonymous5(4): @Anonymous: just because it is doesn't mean u can DISRESPECT A KID WHO WATCHS FLAMINGO AND literally dumb fuck a kid IS FUCKING TRAMATIZED FROM this. U got a problem with that for me defending a child u illiterate bastard go to hell fr and don't brother replying back I'm not dealing with this
Anonymous8: @Anonymous: oh boohoo u fucking retarded ass count Do u think I care. That avatar is porn of a person a real fucking person?. Yet u wanna talk shit? Kiss my ass like bro if u don't shut the fuck up when I'm defending kids on a rule34 website u fr fr need to stfu and think about a MINOR BEING TRAMATIZED NOW read my fucking lips bitch. I AINT REPLYING U DUMB ASS CUNT OF A RETARD
Anonymous9(8): @Anonymous: damn bro crazy I don't give a fuck defending a minor seeing porn of a YouTubers Character literally read my fucking reply bitch I don't got time for this bullshit stop wasting ur time. And read my post Then. And fr TRAMATIZED a minor a fucking KID BRO get this though ur fucking damn skull that a CHILD A FUCKING CHILD SAW PORN OF THERE FAVORITE YOUTUBER GET YO FUCKING ASS AND FACTS STRAIGHT U DUMB FUCK!
Anonymous10(8): @Anonymous: also You're* get yo retarded ass off wasting a grown ass man's time defending a TRAMATIZED kid. Get yo facts straight and don't brother replying u dumbass i ain't got time for yo bullshit remember what I. Said after reading this shit bitch
Anonymous11(6): @Anonymous: bro I never said I was talking to you to begin with, also "what I said after reading this shit bitch" is what you meant. Plus I wanted to spell what you considered a typo like the way it was
Anonymous12(6): @Anonymous: maybe if you had the braincells to read the chat before typing, it would actually make sense to you. but no, you had to go and defend a kid who was being a complete asshole over the reply he got to his question in chat
Anonymous15(6): @Anonymous: Bro needs to get his own facts straight, as it never says that I was defending the kid, therefore YOU need to "GET YO FUCKING ASS AND FACTS STRAIGHT YOU DUMB FUCK!"
Anonymous16(6): @Anonymous: Half of what you call "straight facts" is just you swearing to make that ass reply look good, not to mention even the "facts" in there aren't even true
Anonymous17(8): Incase if u haven't noticed to people replying to anonymous 13 he is infact not replying to you after he said don't brother replying literally still what he said was true. He. Was defending a TRAMATIZED kid. And he even said it himself the more u reply to him the more ur just gonna get trolled bro even cussed at stop wasting your time with a internet troll.
Anonymous18(8): @Anonymous: "bro needs to get his facts straight" attractive and successful African read what I said before to anonymous 2 and fr stop brothering me ur dealing with a internet troll dude be more smart and ignore the internet troll retarded attractive and successful African
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