Lumen: If I remember things correctly, Goliath women were rather on the feeble side. At least no match for the men, which is one of the main reason for the sheer machoness of them.
Could be wrong about the physics here of course, but Goliaths do consider women as good for nothing more than cooking, cleaning and fucking, that's for sure.
Still a damn good job on the drawings though and a nice concept to boot.
Anonymous2: Very good reference Lumen, similar reason why the Escher gangs are all female. There is a genetic fluke that makes all male Escher frail, moronic and basically good for nothing more than vaguely Igor type taskes (aka "Open the door" "Yeeeeesssss master.")
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Could be wrong about the physics here of course, but Goliaths do consider women as good for nothing more than cooking, cleaning and fucking, that's for sure.
Still a damn good job on the drawings though and a nice concept to boot.
But agreed interesting concept.
—The Artist