Vicarious_Reality: ''A sample of an folio im working on. 10 full colors with females of different races so on in a xeno setting. simplistic pose and set up but pretty good coloring.
There will be 10 females in all so far we have 2 humans 1 human shemale 2 elves for the folio. once done it will be up for buy for those interested.''
AnnOnomous: What I mean to say is... it's one thing if you post a finished image. It's another to post something only halfway done and say hah! pay to see all of it!
delete posthaste, please.
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There will be 10 females in all so far we have 2 humans 1 human shemale 2 elves for the folio. once done it will be up for buy for those interested.''
This ain't no pay site.
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