Anonymous7: @Anon 3, I bet your also tired of all the japanese people in Porkyman (you know this was made predominately for the japenese audience not you)?
Anonymous16(14): ^Right... they have internet. It's not really a valid argument when googling a picture of a topless black woman would take, at most, 10 seconds
evilpika: One could argue that Lenora's not black but a fantasy race, given that Porkyman is set in a different world. One cannot argue that she's delicious. Also, if she can have teal hair, she can have pink nipples.
Anonymous25: How the fuck does he move in that position, did he just climb on her and stand still until he came? That can't be that enjoyable for both of them.
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<.< I gotta try that sex position...
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Hey, hey.
"aloe aloe aloe what have we got here?"
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