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Anonymous1: "OWWW!! DAMMIT, MOM! I know the Tibetan monks that raised you taught you esoteric sex practices, but you didn't have to Kegel-clamp on me THAT hard!"
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Anonymous2: Fisk looks like he's going to say "be or not to be..."
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Anonymous3: Is that monkey thingie cradling an imaginary baby?
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Anonymous4: Fisk not monkey thingie
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Anonymous5: dude i hate your work you shuold not even be maken shit any more this stuff sucks fuck your god damm sorry drawing skillis down to the draing to hell and fucking learn how to draw like cyborg you lazy ass son of a bitch and get beter of ill never look at you stuff ever again
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Anonymous6: what the frak anon 5 y u such a prick