Anonymous2: Rana is the original model of the playable character in Minecraft, back before when it was an artist working with Notch. The artist and the project were divorced, and Rana, along with the artist, disappeared from Minecraft. Somewhat unfortunately. Given that her designs were actually fairly fitting with the world and provided fair customizability could have worked well with the game.
Though, to be honest, I am surprised to see rule 34 of her..
Anonymous4: No, the player model always has been the blocky version of Tommy from GTA3: Vice City. Rana was a model used to test out mob AI and was only in the game for a week or two. Internet aspies latched onto her for incomprehensible reasons and won't shut up about it.
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Though, to be honest, I am surprised to see rule 34 of her..
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any way dosnt rana look more like a loli?
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