Anonymous6: True but if he would have asked permission and the artist said no then this magnificent work of art would have never been found. (not to say the original wasn't just as great)
Daxioso: Probably, but I didn't want to ruin the pic with distracting my edit notification is in words instead. And as this was my first decent picture edit (only using MS Paint btw) I definitely didn't want it looking less than great.
Anonymous8: This is pretty awesome. It's actually less porn then art, because artists used to make paintings of nude figures (male or female) all the time. This is just one of that style of work. Thank you.
o rly?
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IT'S OVER NIIINE HUNDREEED...wait, that don't sound right.
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to: Fara_Phoenix
to: BisShoe: You're just dumb.
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No, he means those disgusting, boner killing green things.. >>447417
Thank goodness they're gone, this pic is overflowing with win.
End your butthurt.
That was a brick. That was literally a brick.
crap. a brick