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TagsAhsoka_Tano, CORPSEME, Clone_Wars, Star_Wars, togruta
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Anonymous1: Pussy look dry
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soheifox: The possessive of Ahsoka is "Ahsoka's"

It's spelled "Dynamic".

The plural of "Jedi" is "Jedi".

There's no currency in the entire Star Wars Universe that's abbreviated "DT".

It's spelled "Corellians".

The technology to make Holocrons was lost long before Ahsoka Tano was born.

The plural of "togruta" is "togruta".

Unless this is some seriously archived footage, Ahsoka was long dead before Vader knew who Luke was. Or, at the very least, she'd be quite a bit more full-bodied.

I realize it's just porn but damn... make at least a cursory effort.
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Anonymous2: it was only a question of days until this got deleted on deviantart...
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Anonymous3: what is this?

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Anonymous4: soheifox can go eat a dick. Fucking loser, nerd raging over porn.
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Anonymous5: Anon 4, why are you so angry at soheifox. Every single statement he has made is absolutely correct. Well, scratch that,... while he is right in the assumption that the Star Wars currency- republic "ditaries"(DT)would not be used to purchase this fake magazine. As I have just implied there is a currency in the Star Wars universe that can be abbreviated (DT). Although it was probably (as indicated by obvious lack of attention from the artist), just pure luck that his abbreviation happened to be that of a true republic currency. However, as for the rest, soheifox has proven that he is an absolute Star Wars fan,just like several billion people across the globe; whom might also have something to say about anon 4's comment if it ever leaked out on the web for their ability to view.
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Dracamus: "The technology to make Holocrons was lost long before Ahsoka Tano was born." This is not true it was last because of order 66.
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Battle_Droid: Wheres the droids edition?
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soheifox: Actually I'm married to a female Star Wars fan, and this knowledge came to me by osmosis.. For example, the Republic Dataries? That's a colloquial name. They're abbreviated by the symbol "Resh" with two strikeouts. Basically it looks like our number 7 with extra lines.

And Dracamus? The last of the (known) Jedi Holocrons stored at the archives were destroyed in Order 66, but the technology to MAKE new ones had been lost long long before then. The Archives are primarily made up of rows and rows of holobooks, which are not holocrons.

Again this is all knowledge gleaned by osmosis from a Star Wars fan I'm married to. I didn't even have to Google any of this.
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Anonymous6: Very nice point in proving your statement true to Dracamus. Very nice that your wife picked up on the Aurebesh. However the reason being the fact I abbreviated ditaries as (DT) is that someone that reads and writes in galactic basic would probably not write the resh symbol. Therefore since the artist I'm assuming can only speak/type in galactic basic (English),he would not be too familiar with the aurebesh language/alphabet at all. So while a trustworthy publisher would as "you've pointed out" abbreviate with the resh symbol(which would bring in some more credits "ditaries", because more would understand the issue), I highly doubt that this "black-market" looking magazine would have a publisher who knows anything but galactic basic, and even in that he is lacking quite a bit. Nevertheless Your wife is indeed an honorable Star Wars fan for picking up on the Aurebesh, although my reason for abbreviating it (DT) should become quite clear if the artist were ever to post something along these lines: "What the hell is an Aurebesh". Thank you for your time and I thank you and your wife for the extra info. Oh, and as for ditaries being a colloquial name "which it is" you must be aware that it is considered a valid name. Like if you were to go to the doctor's office and tell him that your balls are hurting instead of saying scrotum. It may not be the "proper" word, but he would still know what you were talking about.Just as Watto knows what Qui-Gon is reffering to when he mentions the ditaries.
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Anonymous7(6): Also nice catch on the typo I made on dataries
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Anonymous8(6): I usually leave a few mistakes in my comments "after reviewing of course" either to make sure that someone was paying attention or sometimes just to piss people off. In any case, I would be pleased if you would be kind enough to point out the numerous typos I have made in my longer comment. I will quickly point out (although it is rude to say so), that I have purposely misspelled dataries every time it is used just to piss you off. I'm sorry but it is just so much fun. If it doesn't piss you off, then I believe there are - "no hard feelings?"
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Anonymous9: Can anyone colour this pic?
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soheifox: Short version:

There's no culture in that universe which would abbreviate it DT, because those letters don't exist; and even in the real world it's "GC" anyway.
... there is no currency abbreviated DT. The symbols "D" and "T" do not exist in that universe. Even if you call them "dataries" you still abbreviate with the galactic credit symbol. It can't be a matter of them not using Aurabesh because nothing else exists among "English" speakers. Aurabesh is not some upper-crust snooty written cipher; it's the actual letters. Those symbols are used to symbolize the same sounds we use, and you are seeing right now, for the sounds of the English language. Nobody would ever say "what the hell is an Aurabesh". They might look at the symbols WE use to produce those sounds and go "what the hell is this gibberish?"

I had to pester the wife to learn this one, the only culture that uses anything similar to English is an ethnic subset of Naboo, and even they abbreviate it "GC" for "Galactic Credits"", which would be the closest approximation to their language.

Similarly to how we have romaji for Japanese, that Naboo minority has the symbols of their language for Galactic Standard. When that ethnic group writes galactic standard, it would, according to George Lucas, look "remarkably like how we would spell those words". However, a closeup of any instrument panels indicates that while they might spell Galactic Standard words like that, their own written language is nothing like English; despite using the same symbols to express certain sounds.

That means, as close as we're going to get to translating it would be "GC" since we don't have the variant of the Resh symbol. Much like Arabs use their language's equivalent of the phrase "US Dollars" because they don't have the S symbol on which the currency is based... and even then it's extremely rare, because currency symbols are generally universal.
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soheifox: Or to put it another way, you didn't make mistakes on purpose, you're illiterate in both real world cultures AND fictional ones, and are trying to save some face.
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Anonymous10: Well, well... it seems as though you've stumbled into a trap that you yourself have just set up. Yes you have good points, but they are just more information;if you were to check back on your work you might find that you're really just proving my point further. You are absolutely correct in saying that their written language is "nothing" like ours. In fact another real world situation can be implied here. If someone were to have a craving for a particular fruit "lets say... an orange", you might ask a merchant for an "orange fruit". Now the merchant may take this to mind in a few different ways, he may either bring you a tangerine, clementine, or maybe he will actually give you a plain mandarin orange. In either case, all of these fruits closely resemble the mandarin orange (1 of which being the actual desired thing) and can all be categorized within the family "Citrus reticulata". The fruits are all actually a type or variation of mandarin orange, however each posses a slightly different flavor.This same instance can be taken when considering what a banker may give someone when asking to take out a certain amount of credits from their account by authorization of the IGBC (or by acknowledged banking privelges offered for working under the Czerka Corporation... (given you have a certain role in the arms deal, also if you worked for the empire these could easily be accessed by use of a debit code). Anyway off subject- you may be given a series of different physical objects (this also depends somewhat on the time era you are receiving the money) you may receive the standard credit chip, a slightly heavier sum of ingots, in decicreds, or with the preferred datarian bill. I full heartedly understand the confusion you are undertaking in saying that I "said" DT is an abbreviation used in the Star Wars universe. However if you would be so kind as to reread my post, you may now understand that I did not once say that DT was an abbreviation used "in" the Star Wars universe, but rather as an American "here on earth" we would use the letters DT to abbreviate a word with the letters that start each syllable "being D and T" just like any other word that we would abbreviate according to it's spelling. Although I understood what you were implying after reading the full sentence, it sounded as if you were trying to tell me that Americans do not use the letters in our own language to abbreviate a word that can be spelled in our language. You are correct in saying that you would most commonly use GC to abbreviate the currency, but as I've just explained, asking for credits would result in being paid in a number of different ways if you weren't specific. Whereas the word datarie is implied in the paperback currency, (and quite frankly I think most people would rather carry paperback than coin).Oh, and I feel as though I should point out; it comes across that you may have been attempting to use my tactic against me, however I'm fairly certain that the illiterate one is the one whom spells Aurebesh wrong after it's been spelled out for him. As well, I trust you have been telling me the truth in that your wife has given you this information, which is where she shall come in handy here. Datarian paperback bills will not come up on a search from the famous "wookiepedia", if your wife is truly an all out obsessed Star Wars fan, then she should be able to tell you the name of the novel in which references the datarian bill. Once she tells you which novel (If I remember correctly I think I have a few comic-books in my stash which may also make reference to the bill)please post the name because there is only one novel to my knowledge and I will know if she is correct because I happen to have the Timothy Zahn novel in my possession.Oh yes...(also I appreciate that you've used reference to the Japanese.)

And heres some fun trivia-

1) What is a shoto?
2) What was Grevious's name before the Huk War?
3) What were the names of the five hutt families -that ruled during the Clone Wars?
4) What was Sy Snootles and the Max Rebo band's
#1 hit single during the time of the Galactic ----Civil War?

In, saying that Aurebesh is not snooty or high classed you are correct, and as to why you are pointing it out is beyond me, for I never implied you needed to be self centered or all that in order to use the written language. Although it should be pointed out that the language is used to an uber amount in Cato Neimoidia (the high class snooty world of the Neimoidians). As well, implying that we on earth couldn't spell them dataries in English is wrong in and of itself because I just did it. Furthermore, I am fully aware that they are actual letters, what else could they possibly be? Under the assumption that we know here on earth that there is such a thing as Aurebesh, but don't know what it is at all- I don't see why someone wouldn't ask what the hell it is; although your choice of words is better, and for that I shall thank you. By the way, people abbreviate the sub word for the real word all the time and it is accepted anyway. For example people use the abbreviation lmfao for laugh my fucking ass off, we wouldn't necessarily use the term to tell someone that something was funny, but that doesn't mean that you "can't" use it to tell them either (oh and look at that, the colloquial texting term is already abbreviated). One more thing, it seems that you are forgetting that I am making connections from Star Wars to earthly matters, not Star Wars to Star Wars matters.
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Anonymous11(10): Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot... what is is the long version, and I'm sorry for my inability to understand this but- what does save some face mean?
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Anonymous12(10): Oh, and as for currency symbols being universal. I'm sorry but you seem to forget that we don't live in the Star Wars universe, so we probably.. (I'm standing out on a limb here) would not even know the symbol existed if the Star Wars universe even so happened to be real.
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Anonymous13: Wall of text STAR WARS wall of text WANKING wall of text NERD HOLE wall of text LEIA’S BOOBS wall of text DRY BALLS wall of text FUCK NUT wall of text.
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Anonymous14(10): lol, wall of text RANCOR FUCKS LUKE INSTEAD OF TRYING TO EAT HIM.
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Anonymous15: soheifox here. I forgot my password.
Disregard my above posts, I suck cocks.
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Jaina16: mmm. Ahsoka
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GermanTurtle: anon 10 shut up and enjoy would ya
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Anonymous16: PLAYALIEN
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Anonymous17: I always loved that face
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Anonymous18: if only i could have her as my own :S

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