Anonymous1: I think the first time I saw this, a few years ago, I described it as 'a scarring orgy of nightmarish proportions'. Oh how things have changed.
Anonymous6: Actually, She's a dimensional doppleganger, from 37,realities over. Try to keep up. You see, you learn these things when you attend the meetings, regularly!
Anonymous7(6): Who controls the british Crown, Who keeps the metric system down? We do, We do! Who keeps Atlantis, OFF the maps, Who keeps the Martians under wraps, We do, we Doooo! Who keeps down the electric car, who made Steve Guttenberg A STAR? WE Dooooo! WE DOOOOO! Who robs dave fish of their sight, who rigs every Oscar night? We do, We DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Former Supreme Leader of the Stonecutters, present leader of the NO Homers( A sepratist group, still afiliated with the Stonecutters. We still watch over, and, protect, the Chosen One, from the shadows.
Anonymous9: I can't imagine what would happen if Lisa brought these 2 -CREATURES- home for dinner & an overnight stay. What would Bart, Homer, and Marge say ? What about Maggie ?
Anonymous12: lisa isn't a furry, you cant be anthro-human but you can be a skunk-ette-anthro. there are however furries involves. two thirds is still more than nothing.
still... hot, yes? it's friggin' awesome!!!
'furries' refers to animals/creatures that are anthro
'anthro' is something that shouldn't be able to think like us, but does. like cars and lions.
Faptastic: This is winfail. Win bcuz its sexy. Fail bcyz it doesnt give me a boner. I am so confused by it yet i underatand. It hurts my brain fluids.
Anonymous14: hey, I'm anon2, and 16. lisa is human, but because there are furries in the pic the pic is now classed as furry. if it has any furries at all, it's furry.
shadowstorm: I know this is 11 years late, but just to clear things up, Anon2 never called Lisa a furry. They said it "involves furries." Big difference. Also, Dot does not do well with hentai
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I always figured she wasn't strictly human, so to speak.
still... hot, yes? it's friggin' awesome!!!
'furries' refers to animals/creatures that are anthro
'anthro' is something that shouldn't be able to think like us, but does. like cars and lions.
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