Anonymous4(1): It might as well be a furfag mary sue. it's just as ridiculous looking and almost twice as homosexual looking. the only way to make this thing more gay than it already is would be to dump it in rainbow paint and add nipple piercings that connect to it's cock. (i've been on this site too long)
Woozle: "Furfag", "Mary Sue", "Viral", and "attractive and successful African" are useful words. They let you know that you can safely ignore anything else the writer wrote.
Anonymous7: There will be no further Gargoyles comics, because not nearly enough people liked them, and the comics industry hardly makes a profit anymore.
This is the future of gargoyles, right here on R34.
Does it amuse anybody else that nobody could tell that Lex was gay from the writing? The creator had to actually explain it in an interview (just like Rowling and Dumbledore).
Anonymous9: No it was obvious that Lex was gay i mena seriously . he took care of Alex xanatos, In an alternate future (ableit one created by puck) /he turned Totally Evil just because Goliath Never returned to Manhattan and he was Never too interested in Angela... I knew Lex was Gay. and Damn Disney for killing the SLG comics .. the disney/ Marvel Reboot will suck
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This is the future of gargoyles, right here on R34.
Does it amuse anybody else that nobody could tell that Lex was gay from the writing? The creator had to actually explain it in an interview (just like Rowling and Dumbledore).