Anonymous8: She is the only Japanese girl I jerk off to. And we need more porn of Francine from that episode, but the types that aren't in a nun costume. (Help! I have a masterbation addiction and can't stop!! I'm killing my future children, help please! DX
Raiden_Snake: I had a feeling a Rule 34 pic based off this episode of American Dad would appear on the Internets, but I didn't think it would appear THAT fast.
Anonymous18: Surprise no one posted the free Rule 34 pic from the episode yet. Okay somebody needs to watch the episode to the part she dives into the water under the waterfall. The camera will show behind her while she is swimming. You see her butt. Post a pic of this.
Rexic: some one make the scenes from the new episode(i.e.the juror lady who wants to sit on rogers bleep,the place where everybody masterbates-steves bed.)
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My thoughts exactly lol.
Would it even b relevant?
-- Crazy Blackass
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Shiro "too lazy to login" Skunkwolfe
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