Shopmeister: No offense everyone, but after staring at the original a while, I just couldn't accept Betty as a Dom and Veronica as a Puppygirl. I was compelled to present this alternative version.
Injutora: WHOOHOOOOOH! GO, Veronica! Seriously, she may have a mean streak, but she could use some love too. Besides, I always thought she was Hotter. Thanks, Shopmeister. ;3
craggle: producer tags being not allowed is not in the tagging rules, and no longer in the sidebar.
in the absence of an announcement, the most logical explanation, considering they had polls on the subject, is that they rethought the issue, which is good because in many cases it would have been a stupid decision.
that said, "archie" is the comic name, archie andrews is the character when he needs to be tagged, so there's no confusion. archie comics could still count as a universe tag rather than a producer tag, covering characters who appear all over the archieverse.
Shopmeister: Yeah, this is confusing. as Sonic the hegfrog and stuff USED to be taggable as "Archie Comics (group)" THIS image is actually part of "Archie Comics (the series)"
It's like tagging something "Harry Potter" when Harry isn't in the picture. It's still the Harry Potter series, isn't it? It's tagging it "Scholastic publishing" that would be no longer needed...
traffik: ^They've attempted to resolve that issue by creating a "Harry_James_Potter" tag for pics that actually have Harry in them. Same thing with 'Kim Possible'; there's a "Kimberly_Ann_Possible" tag. It's not a perfect solution, and doesn't work for all series named after their lead characters, but it's something.
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in the absence of an announcement, the most logical explanation, considering they had polls on the subject, is that they rethought the issue, which is good because in many cases it would have been a stupid decision.
that said, "archie" is the comic name, archie andrews is the character when he needs to be tagged, so there's no confusion. archie comics could still count as a universe tag rather than a producer tag, covering characters who appear all over the archieverse.
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It's like tagging something "Harry Potter" when Harry isn't in the picture. It's still the Harry Potter series, isn't it? It's tagging it "Scholastic publishing" that would be no longer needed...
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