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TagsBig_Daddy, Bioshock, Hydrophobia, Kate_Wilson
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Info1024x950 // 482KB // jpg
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Lunne: Is... Is that the main character from Hydrophobia?
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avatar99homer: you are right
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Anonymous1: lol trying to kill big daddy with shitty pistol. also since when does big daddy have a spear gun except alpha series?
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evil4563: Uh oh i don't think that colt1911 gunna do much.
I mean that's a harpoon gun.
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evil4563: And anony1 you are dumb as shit that is a 1911.
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jaycro: That big daddy is gonna fuck her up so fuggin bad
I feel sorry for her
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Anonymous2: this a good game this Hydrophobia?
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Anonymous3: What Are You all talking about gun this is not even porn
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Anonymous4: the gun looks like a penor lol
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Anonymous5: And how is this porn?
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se7en: It's a rule 8 for Hydrophobia.

Not sure why Big Daddy is there, but whatever.
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Anonymous6: this should be on deveon art not pheal
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korblborp: that in no way resembles the Hydrophobia protag...
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Anonymous7: Unless that's a Desert Eagle 50 cal, she is fucking screwed if she shoots. But it obviously isn't, her best option is to leave it alone, considering they don't attack for no reason.
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Anonymous8: They're in fucking rapture dumbasses....

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