ArthurPhilipDent: Define "only slightly edited". If the succubus is topless in the actual game, then this isn't 34. 34 is for pornified versions of non-porn.
Ensse: Definitely one of the smoothest animated pics I've seen. As a sprite, it looks pretty damn good. Even if it is "pixelly", you can still see a fair amount of detail.
Anonymous5: If she's topless but without nipples or something, that might count though. That'd be pornified non-porn, as for some reason it's the NIPPLES that makes it porn, not the boobs.
And to be honest, it looks like he added the nips, so . . . shit, I NEED AN ADULT! I mean, ADMINISTRATOR!
Anonymous10: I think I can just make out a small dot on the d2 succubus.
One could argue that on this pic its hair, while on the other, itsa loincloth.
Anonymous12: Born in '88, and played diablo when it came out in '96 (my older brother got it), and only stopped playing it when d2 came out. I remember finding the succubus hot as fuck (back in '96/'97, those were some beautiful graphics), and she's responsible for me having a thing for chicks with wings, and high boots. I wish rule 34 was around when diablo came out, because there would have been a lot of material for her. The succubus will always be one of my top hottest videogame hotties.
Thank you tick, from the bottom of my heart.
For the record, she had exposed breasts and nipples in the original version. Those are the same wings too, and I think the same hair. The panties look awfully similar to what you see in this picture, but it's been like 12 years since I played, so I wouldn't be able to distinguish a subtle change.
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its very smooth so good work
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And to be honest, it looks like he added the nips, so . . . shit, I NEED AN ADULT! I mean, ADMINISTRATOR!
but a rip
you lose
One could argue that on this pic its hair, while on the other, itsa loincloth.
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Thank you tick, from the bottom of my heart.
For the record, she had exposed breasts and nipples in the original version. Those are the same wings too, and I think the same hair. The panties look awfully similar to what you see in this picture, but it's been like 12 years since I played, so I wouldn't be able to distinguish a subtle change.