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Cyrzil: Incredible how this list doesn't include a single character that matters. To anyone. Apparently the sponsor site doesn't have any legitimate gamers on the staff.
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Deuxsonic: They never do.
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Anonymous1: Fail, due to lack of Alyx Vance, Lara Croft and Cortana.
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deathmonkey: Answer: None of the Above
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warrior: I vote Samus.
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Anonymous2: None of the above - it is Alyx Vance, end of discussion.
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Anonymous3: Alyx FTW!
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Anonymous4: samus
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Anonymous5: I find this poll's lack of Samus and True-form Midna... disturbing.
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Anonymous6: It's like real life, the respectable chicks don't get naked. Fuck.
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Anonymous7: Persephone was in God of War 2?
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Anonymous8: None of the above selections are mainstream. Let alone matter. What the shit?
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Anonymous9: Where is my bloodrayne?
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Kharnov: Needs moar Mona.
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Rat: Alicia Claus, no contenst.
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Anonymous10: OOOH I get it, they are only showing Sony branded girls (inner Sarge: Racist bastards!!). So Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sega fans leave the stage (leaves the stage).
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Rat: Alicia Claus is from Bulletwitch, a Microsoft Xbox 360 exclusive game, so your "logic" makes no sense Anon#10.
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Anonymous11(10): anon10: well screw it and get on with your life. But still no nintendo chicks (and not including those that made a multi- consol appearences).
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DarkMage20: Bulletwhitch is a shit game anyway.
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Anonymous12: well the bullet witch chick is still hot
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Anonymous13: When was Persephone in God Of War II? And who the fuck is Leda?
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dirtbox: For me, the hottest videogame babe is a tie between Nel Zelpher from Star Ocean: Til the End of Time and Karin Koenig from Shadowhearts: Covenant.
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Anonymous14: Yeah, Anon 13, she was only in Chains of Olympus. And I don't rememer any references to Leda, perhaps we know something 'bout God of War III?
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Anonymous15: Need moar infested kerrigan
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Anonymous16: LEDA WINS!
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Anonymous17: I can't decide
Alicia Clause, Tifa Lockheart, or Alyx Vance

i swear if there was ever a picture of those 3 having sex, everyone's computer processors would EXPLODE due to the hottness
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Jester: Jade from Beyond Good & Evil.
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Anonymous18: moar like bulletbitch
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Anonymous19: They could have used Athena from God of War. But no. One wonders what those responsible for this smoke.
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Anonymous20: zoey from left 4 dead
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Anonymous21: Funny, all those pictures are taken from the same Playboy Girls of Gaming spread. Maybe that's why there isn't anyone that matters.

Do your fucking research, people.
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Anonymous22: I vote samus, tifa, or one of the other many sexy vg chars not up there.
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Anonymous23: I would prefer someone like Bastila Shan from origional xbox.
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Anonymous24: Fiolina Germi.
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Anonymous25: this is a oficial of the PlayBoy magazine "the Vixen edition" contes, an the Art of the Girls and any individual images created by the game developers themselves.

Oficial link: []
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Anonymous26: NONE HERE

I'd pick Sheva Alomar from Resident Evil 5
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Anonymous27: Mario Brother, duh.
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Anonymous28: Anon21 get fucked and Anon27...shame on you...shame on you... I VOTE ALYX VANCE :D Ellai wouldnt know if she dosent tell....oh i forgot he's dead... :/ if i could vote for 3 i would pick 1.Alyx Vance 2.Samus from Metroid and 3.Midna from Zelda
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Anonymous29: Does no one remember Jade from Beyond Good and Evil except for Jester and I?
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Anonymous30: The ones voting for Alyx Vance or saying "lol none" are faggots.
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Anonymous31: I'm voting for GlaDOS
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Anonymous32: I vote for the oracle from the first God of War game!
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Anonymous33: Anon 31 = Correct.
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Wilren: *skull-punts the judges for poor selection choices*
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Anonymous34: BAYONETTA !!
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Anonymous35: elena and chloe from uncharted FTW!!!
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Anonymous36: persephone
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Anonymous37: lol, those bimbos in GoW 2 had names?
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Anonymous38: if it had to be a GoW character... Aphrodite or Athena from God Of War 3. Plus. Persephone was in PSP's God of War Chains Of Olympus. not GoW2
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Anonymous39: Anon1 says everything there is to be said.
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Anonymous40: Where is Laura Bow from the Dagger of Amon Ra?

Or Ms. Pac-Man?
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Anonymous41: Felicia. Always Felicia.
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Anonymous42: There should be more pics of Leda....-_-
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Anonymous43(42): There should be more pics of Leda....-_- where are they?
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Anonymous44: Amy rose bitchs!!!
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Anonymous45: me
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Akiba24: Rubi FTW!!!!!
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Anonymous46: u all suck i say epic win lol
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Anonymous47: Why don't they have Joanna Dark from Perfect Dark?They need more Xbox Divas! Alicia Claus is the best, and Bullet Witch is an awsome game!
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Crucius: None of them.
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Anonymous48: Alicia Claus..only if they're the choices, if i'd gotta include others..Zoey from Left 4 bitch out there.
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Anonymous49: i like enrica
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Anonymous50: i like jessica
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Anonymous51: tifa and nitara from mortal kombat
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Anonymous52: Anon30 For the love of God please go play some games with dignity, then return.
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Rat: 1. Alicia Claus
2. Dr. Jasmine Lin
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Anonymous53: "...When I look out there, it makes me glAd I'm not you..."
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Anonymous54: In my opinion, Alicia and Enrica don't look like their in-game characters.
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Anonymous55: Cortana
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Anonymous56: Wow over 60 comments
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Anonymous57: Seriously, Alyx is an interesting character, but not THAT hot.. i say
Bayonetta, Ada (Resident Evil), Tanya Adams (Red Alert 2), Poison (Female)(Final Fight) and Quistis Trepe (Final Fantasy VIII/8)
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Anonymous58: Poison, Claire Redfield, Quiet, Samus, A2 (Or 2B) and Ellen from Folklore or Eileen from Silent Hill 4 are the best.
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Anonymous59(58): Aya Brea as well.
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Anonymous60: None of the above.

D.Va, 2B, A2, Lara Croft, Jill Valentine (remake),Jinx and many more.
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Anonymous61: Alicia Claus
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Anonymous62: A Harem would be amazing for these Underrated Babes deserve some love and recognition.

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