Anonymous2: Vivian's crying because people keep thinking that Vivian is a She when Vivian is really a He!
Barring that joke, Vivian is either A) Experiencing his first bout of sex and is crying because he's overcome by the pleasure of it, B) Would prefer doing it with another guy(since he apparently had a crush on Mario, I think) and is crying because he's getting laid by a girl, or C) He's bi, and is crying because he's getting sucked off by Goombella when he had someone else in mind.
Barring that joke, Vivian is either A) Experiencing his first bout of sex and is crying because he's overcome by the pleasure of it, B) Would prefer doing it with another guy(since he apparently had a crush on Mario, I think) and is crying because he's getting laid by a girl, or C) He's bi, and is crying because he's getting sucked off by Goombella when he had someone else in mind.
OR D) Other reason.
Also, to the last 2 anons, thats the most retarded shit I've ever heard. Though I have no complaints about Vagivian.
Physically male, mentally female