Killamajig: Arbites and Enforcers are two entirely different groups, but it is a common mistake. The Adeptus Arbites are a sort of Imperial Political Police, involved in suppressing wide-spread sedition and executing corrupt governors. The Enforcers are the security service of Necromunda's Hive Primus (and possibly other hives), whose overall image was tailored after the Adeptus Arbites, thus confusing a great many people.
Arbites, for example, wouldn't bother with Underhive gangs unless they formed an army and tried to storm the Spire.
TheKommissar: the Enforcers are just hive city police forces, while arbites are like an arm of the inquisition, going world to work to hunt down heresy
Anonymous9: Shira's hair was always cropped short, and her power maul is either an Ultima pattern (short and heavy, truncheon shaped) or a Hydraphur pattern (longer but still arm-length at the most, slender; activated it resembled a lightsaber with a circle spiked handguard). That is more like a full on power mace.
Kudos for referencing her though, a 34 of her would be hot.
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Arbites, for example, wouldn't bother with Underhive gangs unless they formed an army and tried to storm the Spire.
Kudos for referencing her though, a 34 of her would be hot.