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TagsHomer_Simpson, Marge_Simpson, Ned_Flanders, The_Simpsons
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Info450x333 // 62KB // jpg
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broman88: FEATURE!!
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Anonymous1: bad emplacement of the house
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Anonymous3: So much love i have for this pic. So funny. Agree with broman88 make this a FEATURE, dammit!
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warrior: i lol'd forever.
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Anonymous4: Marge seems to have got off easy LOL Easier than Ned that is!
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Anonymous5: OWNED FEATURE!
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dildy: His dick was knocked right out of her mouth!
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Anonymous6: Epic fucking win. FEATURE!
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Fara_Phoenix: Warrior, still not feature-worthy?
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Anonymous7: NOT feature-worthy.
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dildy: This is what I'd love to do to the anonfag who is pitifully harassing me for no fucking reason.
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Anonymous8(7): ^ BAWWWWWWW!
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dildy: ^ What's the matter? Your dad hit you for using your teeth?
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Anonymous9: Back in my day, you only got to be a namefag if you couldn't be trolled without any effort. What's the matter, my insecure lass? No pretty boy wants to kiss your lardface?
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dildy: ^ Give me your address, pussy.
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dildy: Oh, and what do you mean by "back in your day"? I was using the Internet before you were a twinkle in the eye of your prostitute father.
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Anonymous10(9): I don't want to kiss your lardface, either.
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Anonymous11(7): Can't you just meet people at the rest stop men's room like you usually do, Dillweed?
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dildy: ^ Just shut the fuck up already, asshole. Goddamn it, you have no fucking life other than picking on someone just because their opinion of artwork if different.
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dildy: ^ I don't jack off to fag art like anonfag does.
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Anonymous12(7): Oh, you think THAT'S why people are going after you, Dildina? It's for the LULZ, young lady!
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dildy: ^ You're only bringing on the lulz yourself, missy. I didn't fucking do anything... except your mom.
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dildy: ^ That was for anonfag, not OkaySucks.
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Anonymous13(9): How many anon cocks can Dildy serve at once? Must be 2 figures easily
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Anonymous14(7): I wouldn't take that if I were you, OkayS.
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dildy: A13, you can throw all the homophobic remarks about me you want. It still doesn't make up for the fact that you're an anonfag mama's boy who is too chicken to get himself a real username and leave me his address.
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Anonymous15(7): I don't want you to hit me with your purse.
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dildy: ^ Of course you don't because you'd probably get your neck broken if you got hit with a wallet, you fairy.
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Anonymous16(9): Fairy? You want to hit me or hit on me, make up your mind.
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dildy: ^ I want a gay prostitute with AIDS to hit on you, you accept his offer and you get infected. But I'm sure you already have that after your father took his love a bit too far one night.
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Anonymous17(9): It's a good thing you take out your sexual frustration on internet porn of the Simpsons, but I'm afraid because no real person wants to mate with you due to being underage and hideous will lead to the next school shooting. Well, I'll be reading about you at least :3
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dildy: ^ I'm not frustrated about anything, except having my night ruined by anonfags like you who think he has something to gain by insulting someone for no apparent reason. You're not going to win so just quit already. You must be getting bored. Save your energy for your dad later on.
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Anonymous18(7): ^ VICTIM!!!
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Mystroh: Ah, Dildy. It'll be alright. I know it's fun to fight with people on the internet.
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PenorSmash: ^ Wise Elder Mystroh is correct

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