Anonymous2: I don't know what's sadder; The fact that arabatos can't do proportions for crap unless it's shit like this, or that some sick fuck is paying good money for this.
Anonymous3: If he's no longer holding her down in the last panel, what's stopping her coming back up and regaining her breath? It can't be that much of a struggle to force yourself up with a plunger handle up your ass, even with it resisting coming out.
Then again, why am I asking for this comic to explain it's logic when it's the same "Mowgli chokes a female character" crap over and over.
Anonymous5: The sink pluger is right up there with the plastic bag. WHERE DID IT COME FROM ? Also, that doesn't look like Mowgli, not with that look on his face.
Then again, why am I asking for this comic to explain it's logic when it's the same "Mowgli chokes a female character" crap over and over.