Anonymous1: long story short the whoop enlargement ray gun is not a toy and Alex learned that the hard way when she accidentally zapped herself for the first few days Alex thought that nothing had happened when she had her accidents however apparently the effects of the ray gun was just a little bit slow because in the next few days her breasts went from an (A) cup all the way up to a(G) Cup and by that point her friends Clover and Sam had already noticed that Alex breasts have gotten big and fat which was obvious since they couldn't stop staring at her chest every time they had a conversation as a matter of fact Alex could have sworn that she saw both Clover and Sam drool over her tits last time she caught them staring at her chest and thanks to Sam and Clover's Behavior it didn't take long for Jerry to notice what the heck was going on and as you all can imagine Alex got an earful from Jerry for using his enlargement Ray Gun without his permission and apparently Alex suffering wasn't quite done yet because after Jerry was done scolding her Alex a strange sort of pressure starting to grow inside both of her breasts the pressure kept growing and growing until Alex started feeling something else and this time it wasn't the pressure from inside of her breasts it was her nipples they have gotten erects and Alex wasn't the only one who had noticed that both Sam and Alex as well as Jerry had noticed but at least Jerry had the courtesy to look away Sam and Alex however did not they were both staring at Alex large tits and they were in for quite a show because at that moment Alex felt something new she felt a warmth spreading from the tip of both of her nipples and started to spread out to her large areolas she looked down at her breasts just to realize that she was lactating milk the pressure she had felt before was that milk slowly filling up her breasts until her breasts couldn't hold in the milk anymore and so they started to lactate
with a Yelp Alex quickly stood up however that was a mistake because at that very moment her t-shirt ripped open because Alex breasts were simply just too big for the T-shirt and so it tore open leaving poor Alex bear chested Alex looked at her bear tits and over to both Sam and Clover as well as Jerry with a heavy side Alex simply just set back down with a look of Shame and defeats however all hope was not lost for Alex because it turned out that the ray gun effects was only temporarily so the effects of the ray gun would only last for about 2 months but those were the longest two months of Alex's life and not only that but Alex couldn't find any t-shirts that were her size at the moment so she had to wear nipple covers for those 2 months it's safe to say that Alex never touched any whoop equipment again without permission the end
with a Yelp Alex quickly stood up however that was a mistake because at that very moment her t-shirt ripped open because Alex breasts were simply just too big for the T-shirt and so it tore open leaving poor Alex bear chested Alex looked at her bear tits and over to both Sam and Clover as well as Jerry with a heavy side Alex simply just set back down with a look of Shame and defeats however all hope was not lost for Alex because it turned out that the ray gun effects was only temporarily so the effects of the ray gun would only last for about 2 months but those were the longest two months of Alex's life and not only that but Alex couldn't find any t-shirts that were her size at the moment so she had to wear nipple covers for those 2 months it's safe to say that Alex never touched any whoop equipment again without permission the end