Krawczyk: Deadpool: i always knew Apocalypse was a pussy
SpyHunter: See thats what makes supervillans women laughing at their short comings, and yes I avoided the obvious pun.
Anonymous1: XD
Gremrat: Aaawww...
I'd fuck him. >__> *has odd taste in men when she does have it*
Deadpool: or cause u have 2 minutes to kill
Gremrat: I'd make it last more than two minutes :D Where the penis fun ends, the prostate fun begins!
AutoSex: Yaay for anal rape :D
Deadpool: comment
Gremrat: *does a cheerful anal rape dance with AutoSex on Deadpool's bed while he sleeps*
AutoSex: Yaay for sex stains :D
Runny Camembert: Hahaha, oh wow!
Deadpool: wouldnt recommend that, you'll step on sumthin sticky, but the best part is u can guess wat it could be
Gremrat: Every time I look at the thumbnail on this, the center of her face looks like a contracted sphincter of devilish alien teeth.
evilpika: Damn you and your ununseeable imagery, Grem.
Anonymous2: I am sad now
omg13: I think Jean laughed so hard she pee'd herself...
An Onymous: @SpyHunter: No you didn't.
@Gremrat: I love your ideas. XD
Magneto: Lol....owned
Anonymous3: Makes you almost feel sorry for big bad Apocalypse.
Lu_Aza: Considering he knocked many a bitch up through his 5,000 or so year life, it's safe to say that this is only a recent problem.
Excelsior: Well i guess his problem is Cable...
After all he kind killed his boner or something XD
- Reply
Except Cyclops. And Earthworm Jim.
- Reply
SpyHunter: See thats what makes supervillans women laughing at their short comings, and yes I avoided the obvious pun.
Anonymous1: XD
Gremrat: Aaawww...
I'd fuck him. >__> *has odd taste in men when she does have it*
Deadpool: or cause u have 2 minutes to kill
Gremrat: I'd make it last more than two minutes :D Where the penis fun ends, the prostate fun begins!
AutoSex: Yaay for anal rape :D
Deadpool: comment
Gremrat: *does a cheerful anal rape dance with AutoSex on Deadpool's bed while he sleeps*
AutoSex: Yaay for sex stains :D
Runny Camembert: Hahaha, oh wow!
Deadpool: wouldnt recommend that, you'll step on sumthin sticky, but the best part is u can guess wat it could be
Gremrat: Every time I look at the thumbnail on this, the center of her face looks like a contracted sphincter of devilish alien teeth.
evilpika: Damn you and your ununseeable imagery, Grem.
Anonymous2: I am sad now
omg13: I think Jean laughed so hard she pee'd herself...
An Onymous: @SpyHunter: No you didn't.
@Gremrat: I love your ideas. XD
Magneto: Lol....owned
Anonymous3: Makes you almost feel sorry for big bad Apocalypse.
Lu_Aza: Considering he knocked many a bitch up through his 5,000 or so year life, it's safe to say that this is only a recent problem.
Excelsior: Well i guess his problem is Cable...
After all he kind killed his boner or something XD