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UploaderMasterdragon, avatar
TagsDC, Masterdragon, Raven, Teen_Titans, Terra
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LockedYes (Only admins may edit these details)
Info956x1256 // 65KB // png
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jaycro: Raven smiling now that's just offensive
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Anonymous1: 9001 WEEKS IN MS PAINT
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Anonymous2: Still sucks BALLS
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Masterdragon: it doesn't take me that many weeks to make this only 2 days and this would be Raven's sweet revenge against terra anyways
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Anonymous3: Once again, great concept ruined by bad "artwork." I mean, geez, why do the good ideas always get reduced to this.

Raven getting revenge like this = win.
Bad art to represent = fail.
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Anonymous4: Is that another A. W.?
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Killamajig: This is why grade school students shouldn't draw porn.
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Anonymous5: Exactly. They shouldn't try to draw it, they should just appear in it (Jade, Penny, Joss Possible, Katie Power, etc).
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Anonymous6: anon 5 you win 5 internets for your comment
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Anonymous7(6): could who ever makes this shit please for the love of this site please stop your crap burns my eyes
also I before I get any flack for this post please know that I cann't draw and so for this reason I became a critic of art
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Killamajig: Well, cleverly played, Anon. I don't particularly agree - Poland's work is about as young as it works for me, because at least that's natural, puberty is SUPPOSED to send signals to the opposite sex - but I do approve of your use of the opening there.
In b4 someone makes a joke about "using the opening".
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Zvantastika: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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