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Anonymous1: Not bad, but the limbs don't taper to very feminine proportions.
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Anonymous2: yea the legs are a bit big, but this is still great ^.^
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Anonymous3: Where are the wings?
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Anonymous4: Cheeks are too big, wings have gone. But good anyway.
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Anonymous5: looks like a night elf
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Anonymous6: I main Morg and this looks nothing like her. Legs are too fat, face is too big, needs wings, and her skin tone should have remained the same as it is in-game like the Eve one.
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Anonymous7: I don't mind the legs, it's more the fingers that annoy me.
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Anonymous8: Anon 7 she doesn't even have legs in the game
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Anonymous9(4): She does, you can clearly see them in Blade Mistress skin.
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Anonymous10: Am I crazy, or is this leblanc and not morgana. Leblanc is the one with those streaks under her eyes