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Anonymous1: XD
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Anonymous2: <3 silvercore
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Anonymous3: Narutopixxx edit.
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effel65: I know this autor
its not naruto pixxx
its simple drawing and color at narutopixxx style
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Anonymous4: MOAR NARUTO & KUSHINA!!!!!
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Anonymous5: its from narutopixxx depp
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Anonymous6: It it just me, or is there more porn out there of Kushina with Naruto than there is with Minato
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Anonymous7: Anonymous5: its from narutopixxx depp
mm no =_=
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Anonymous8: the face of Kushina is from MinatoxKushina the body of Kushina is from NarutoxAmaru
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Anonymous9(8): the face of Kushina is from MinatoxKushina the body of Kushina is from NarutoxAmaru from narutopixxx
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Anonymous10: Wincest!
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Anonymous11: could some one move the dick so its in her puss?
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Anonymous12: Man, whats the obsession with mothers making out with their sons, not just Naruto but almost everything else...
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dakingof34: the pic is ok, but mother n son... couldnt it be minato? :/
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Anonymous13: No. Wincest is best.
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ShacomThan: Its not the lineart of NHunter in this pic, but silvercore made it himelf, so deleted the tag.
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Anonymous14: the concept is as abd as the pictures of people about 11 and under having sex :/ seriously hes fucking his own mom
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Anonymous15: Naruto punched Minato for not being there for him, and now hes fucking Kushina for not breast feeding him.
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Anonymous16: mORE SEXY KUSHINA PICS!!!
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InfinityTitian: @Anonymous: Lol. Though it's kind of funny how he did punch his father but not his mother. Do you guys think he would have punched her if she showed up first instead of Minato?
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Anonymous17: "Anonymous13: the concept is as abd as the pictures of people about 11 and under having sex :/ "
You need to be punched in the fucking face right now. Did you just compare two consenting adults to fucking cp?

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