Anonymous1: I really am sick to death of seeing Julius Zimmerman's endless drawings of Leia doing the same things over and over and over and over.
He's clearly run out of ideas.
Killamajig: Hey, this one's marginally different. I think the tits are slightly larger in this than some other images. I guess the Zimmerman Girl got implants this time.
Anonymous3: I don't have a problem with Zimmerman, and i think that he's a talented artist, but is there any way that I can run a search and exclude his art. Whenever I enter a search, I get pages and pages and pages of his picutres that I have to wade through before I can find anything else. Is there an advanced search option that would allow me to do this?
Killamajig: Yeah, I mean, why should the two people who like looking at his one character go to where his art is hosted when they can clutter up the most widely varied site on the internet with sameface garbage?
And Anon3 & 4, adding "-Zimmerman" (no quotes) will exclude his excreta from your search results.
I also AdBlock his tedious shit so I don't have to look at the fucking sameface in the Comments page.
He's clearly run out of ideas.
And Anon3 & 4, adding "-Zimmerman" (no quotes) will exclude his excreta from your search results.
I also AdBlock his tedious shit so I don't have to look at the fucking sameface in the Comments page.