Anonymous1: Now this is just pathetic. No, not the picture, I like my girls a bit dirty. I mean the tagme tag. You'd have to have been living under a rock for the past, oh, 9 years to not know who this is.
Serious_Business: Uh, if you meant the tagme, if you upload an image while being to lazy to add any tags it puts it there automatically.
So if you're massdumping images that don't share tags and don't want to mistag them, etc, TAGME TAGME TAGME.
evilpika: Jessie's Diary: Everyday it's like this. We track down those twerps and try to steal pikachu. Then the fucking little rat blasts us miles through the air. How the fuck does electricity launch a person into the air anyway? Then we pick ourselves up out of the impact crater, clothes shredded and bodies bruised, and get raped by wild Porkyman. Listening to Meowth beg for mercy in that damn accent is almost a bad as the rape itself, and James's moaning is almost as infuriating. Sometimes I think he stays with us because he enjoys this. As for myself, I try to tune everything out and think. Tomorrow's plan, tomorrow's giant mecha. Tomorrow we will capture that damn rodent, and then everything will be better...
Why do I always have to do all the work?
So if you're massdumping images that don't share tags and don't want to mistag them, etc, TAGME TAGME TAGME.
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