Anonymous4: Looks like Dragon Tales had a very dark secret that we didn't even know about. what are we missing here honestly, did we get Dragon Tales off air because someone thought Dragon Tales could no longer be in kids' TV show? Maybe we should....
(Male announcer: We interrupt this comment to bring you this spacial report from our DT Network)
Me: what exactly is the DT, can someone tell me this what is it mean the DT? The Dig Tick, The Dick Trash, The Drill Triangle don't give a dame,
The Dragon Tock what I'm asking?
(Male announcer: Now back to our regular time)
...get used to. But did their parents knew about this or what?
DrRule34: I cant imgine how it would work out if they eger did try to have sex. With some one else. Not each other. Or what might go on when they try to use the bathroom.
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(Male announcer: We interrupt this comment to bring you this spacial report from our DT Network)
Me: what exactly is the DT, can someone tell me this what is it mean the DT? The Dig Tick, The Dick Trash, The Drill Triangle don't give a dame,
The Dragon Tock what I'm asking?
(Male announcer: Now back to our regular time)
...get used to. But did their parents knew about this or what?
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