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UploaderSodomius, avatar
TagsDragon_Ball_(series), Vegeta, featured_image
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Info717x717 // 94KB // jpg
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Anonymous1: lolwut
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Titanium: This sums up Dragon Ball Z and beyond. FEATURED!

Don't forget to read the updated blog!
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ZB: Oh Titanium... you and your curiosity will be the doing of Rule34...
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DianaRossFan: Now here's the big smoking schlong question: Who's hand is that?
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Anonymous2: wat
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Titanium: This is by FAR the gayest feature I've made...

Even more than >>299482, >>291678, and >>119210
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Miles_Edgeworth: Now I'm going to paint a little bush rights here, don't tell anyone, It's a secret.
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Anonymous3: WHAT THE FUCK.
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Krawczyk: Didn't Mr Satan wear red? I say Mr Satan!
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Sodomius: Wow, didn't see this feature coming. XD
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Marzr1: hahahahaahaha
reminds me of daily dose..
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MFBWBWLite: that sure is something
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Anonymous5: Oh.. Oh God... ._.
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LunarShotgun673: Wow.
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biggerstaff: Royal rainbow?
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Danielakiiki: Taste the rainbow?
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Sodomius: ^ You win an internet, and a bouquet of flowers.
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Anonymous7: "Fire that thing! DO IT NOW!"
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Anonymous8: People please!

This is clearly a machamp
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Eddvil666: I hate it!!!! You just destroyed my admiration 4 Vegeta!!! Thank you very much!!!(Is sarcasm)
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HbA: What is this I don't even
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Anonymous9: stop with all this gay shit with dbz you fucks
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Titanium: Anon9 - "gay shit with dbz"... the entire series is gay.
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Anonymous10: Flower power!
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Anonymous11: His gay level's OVER 9000!!!
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Anonymous12: Its reasons like this I don't go for Japanimation.
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Zollith: lol petals on nipples.
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Anonymous13: There are over 9000 color levels on this one...
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DianaRossFan: I wouldn't say gay, Titanium, so much as extremely homoerotic. Hell, watching that show as a child probably was one of the first indicators I was different from other boys my age. (That the tea set I used to play with)
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Anonymous14: anon 12, actually DBZ is an American animation.
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Titanium: You best be joking Anon14...

DianaRossFan - Good enough
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Anonymous15: That couldn't hold Vegeta.
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duckpenisexpert: D: *fap*fap*fap*fap*
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Sodomius: DianaRossFan, Titanium: DBZ IS a homoerotic anime, since the quota of male nudity far surpasses female nudity there.
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evilpika: DBZ didn't make me want men. James from Porkyman beat them to it. :\
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FalconLunch: DBZ is practically this:
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Anonymous16: I'm gonna say Tenshinhan with off-colored wrist guards.
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Anonymous17: That's not what the "M" on his head's supposed to mean...
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Anonymous18: hahahahahahahaha
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Anonymous19: stick it in his vegeta!
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Anonymous20: Oh my god! It is perfect!
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Anonymous21: Cum spray on everyone that views this pic XD
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Anonymous22: im going to paint a bush there don't tell no one or else ima come to your house and cut you
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Witchan: Best bondage pic ever. I'm suprised that it was even featured.
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Anonymous23: Real men get flowers painted on them
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O_Rly: The face is very Yaranaika-ish.
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bestanonhere: Truly the prince of Saiyans
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Anonymous24: so you say dbz is more gay than cross dressing bugs bunny? ...
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Anonymous25: What's the black thing by his ass? I think I know what it's supposed to be but it doesn't look like it's doing what I think it's supposed to be doing.
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Anonymous26: Dragon Ball Z (In Japan: Dlagonzu Barrzu ZZU!) is as gay as all the other shit that comes from that vomit-stain of a country.

I love Japan so FUCKING MUCH. Go on with your crazy-ass self Japan. Go on.
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Dr-Cane: It's under 9000!!
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Anonymous27: Vageta: "Did you do anything to me while I was unconscious?"
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NekoMary: Did anyone else think of that one barbie from "Toy Story 2" with flowers and rainbows all over its face?

"She's an artist.."
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Titanium: Anon22 - Cross dressing != gay
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imaajfpstnfo: Titanium - It comes with it, though :D
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Anonymous28: O____o
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Titanium: imaajfpstnfo - Not as much as people think.
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Anonymous29: Behold the Original Sasuke. Which is why people should stop with the hating since this dude is Sasuke's inspiration from Kishimoto's words.
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Anonymous30: He came rainbows.
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Anonymous31: Mmmm, makes me happy. ;)
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Fox_McCloud: shouldnt this be tagged Majin Vegita?
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Anonymous32: ... this is the gayest thing I've ever seen and I have sex with men.
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ThatsAkoolStoryBro: miles wins this pic.
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Anonymous33(9): Titanium no you little prick DBZ is the greatest anime ever so go fuck yourself before I fuck your booty hole!
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That_Ginger_Kid: @Image
Um. What?
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Anonymous34: KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!!!
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Sodomius: Anon31, you just automatically confessed that you're gay. The world is so proud of you. ;D
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LadyStardust: I'm loling, face palming and touching myself all at the same time . . Well done. >:3
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Titanium: Anon31 - yes please
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Anonymous35: Ah, DBZ, yes--gay cartoon. If you have any doubt, Zarbon and Frieza should have been a dead give away. Dodoria, since she is technically female, is probably the straightest character in the show. This is without going into Cooler, Bardok, Nappa, Raditz and countless other examples of homosexuality.

@DianaRossFan dunno about DBZ and James from Porkyman... I was one to watch more Jem and the Holograms, as well as Sherah Princess of Power as a child. I thought I was *really* clever in sneaking it. With me running around the house when Jem was on--to make it look like I was not really watching that. Oh, and "I am merely watching Sherah to understand the complex and integral story of Heman via this sideplot"... uh... that last one backfired... they just thought I was functionally retarded after that one.

@Titanium well, yes, I understand being Intersexed is not homosexual... however, Bugs Bunny was more of a Drag Queen than a transsexual (or any form of transgender). Which it is rather normal to assume most Drag Queens are gay--as really, only a minority of them are not raging queens. Fvcking Drag Queens... kill them with fire... >.>'
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Titanium: Anon33 - I can't tell if you are misreading what I said or confused as to the meanings of intersex, transsexual, transgender, cross dressers, etc. It's late so it may be in my head. Anywho, there is a distinct and important difference between them.
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Anonymous36: Erotic art? :D
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Anonymous37: What is it with all the fucking gay pictures on this site? How about some straight shit ffs
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Fox_McCloud: thats Majin Vegeta, but there are no tags of him on any other image, so i guess theres no point to properly tag this then!
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Anonymous38: how the fuck did this piece of gay shit get featured? delete this now!
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Anonymous39: @Anon36: Blame our administrator.
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Mr_Rule_34: I threw up my dick and testicals I won't bee needing them anymore i have reached the point where I just can't take this much gayness it's to gay for me so iv decided to live in the woods away from people and fags to look for a beastialty gangbang triple penetration orgy rape because I don't like people who paint on other peoples dicks and by the time I come back I will hopefully have found my sexual Identity because after seeing this I lost all memories of having a peinis. I am off! Wish me luck! Onward to Alaska! Good day sir!
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Sodomius: Cool story, bro.
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Anonymous40: what a gay crappy pic needs to be destroyed
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Mr_Rule_34: That's called a fail an epic fail
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Anonymous42: ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Anonymous43: THIS was definetly worth a feature. Job well done.
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Anonymous44: oh shit..... rule 34 is a fuckin web, FUCK YOU!!!!
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Anonymous45: I lol'd.
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demonfiren: It's a wonderful picture...just so weird I can't help myself.
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Anonymous46(25): Is this ever going to be properly tagged? Not sure what's so hard about adding "Majin Vegeta" to the tags and at least without being logged in I can't do it myself. Still want to know what the black thing is. Doesn't seem to be doing what I think it should be doing.
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LadyPerbas: @Anon30: Lol :)
@LadyStardust: You ain't the only one. =D
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Anonymous47: I don't know what this is, but I like it.
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ForteDF: Perfection. M. Night Shamalyan just creamed his sisters pants so hard, next tuesday im gonna eat taco bell and explode shit for a week in to Steve-O's mouth, who will proceed to vomit it into Opra's ass hole, who will blow it all over David Hasslehoff's chest while he drunkenly treis to eat a cheeseburger.
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Anonymous48: The speculum makes me lol.
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Anonymous49: Why are all the featured images all fucking gay or disgusting fetishes? Nothing against them, personally, but for god's sake, there IS other porn out there! FEATURE SOMETHING FUCKING DIFFERENT FOR ONCE!!!
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Anonymous50: Aw isn't that adorable? :3
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Anonymous51(50): I came flowers.
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Anonymous52: Could be Bardock.
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Anonymous53: I think that vegeta likes it, he isn't yelling, so it has to feel good to him.
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Anonymous54: No, I think that whoever made this picture, Its probable going to be them. PS. This is soooooooooooo fucking sexy!
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Anonymous55(54): Love the position Vegeta is in!
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Anonymous56: @DianaRossFan: It's Bardock's XD
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Anonymous57: sophistication!
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Anonymous58: That flower is soon gonna bloom
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Anonymous59: You people need to realize that being painted with a tiny brush tickles as fucking hell. Also, this is weird, feature please?
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Anonymous60: não dar pra se o goku
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Anonymous61: Bob Ross.

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