Anonymous1: Thrud: thanks to the consultation of the new God of War and Odin's library, I discovered you Priapus. So you traveled to new lands to start over, right.
Priapus : by Aphrodite's tits. I've been living here for years even longer than the ghost of Sparta. And what punishment is going to fall on me?
And your ass is exquisite worthy of ejaculating on.
Thrud: I will give you a place in the new pantheon God of genitals and fertility. You will not be anyone's sex slave and not even mine. But I will fuck you forever. The goddess of thunder cock. You like my new title for our alliance.
Priapus: Of course I do. Now come and suck my cock and I will give you the Kamasutra outline to that little ass of Asgard. Miss Robinson.
Thrud: well all that's left is to wait for GOW 3 Norse in this long fuck, son of Aphrodite.
Priapus : by Aphrodite's tits. I've been living here for years even longer than the ghost of Sparta. And what punishment is going to fall on me?
And your ass is exquisite worthy of ejaculating on.
Thrud: I will give you a place in the new pantheon God of genitals and fertility. You will not be anyone's sex slave and not even mine. But I will fuck you forever. The goddess of thunder cock. You like my new title for our alliance.
Priapus: Of course I do. Now come and suck my cock and I will give you the Kamasutra outline to that little ass of Asgard. Miss Robinson.
Thrud: well all that's left is to wait for GOW 3 Norse in this long fuck, son of Aphrodite.