Anonymous1: Ichigo: I wish you two stop that when I have company.
Orihime: I don't mind.
Yuzu: See, she like it big brother.
Karin: Quit your bitching and enjoy it Ichigo.
Anonymous2: Having noticed that their big brother was depressed from losing his powers, Yuzu and Karin invited Ichigo to spend the night playing games with them. Of course, he didn't realize what they meant until he arrived in their room, but after some intense arguments and a lot of crying on Yuzu's part(and some on Karin's but don't tell her that), the three played the "grown up game" all night. Ichigo may have lost his soul reaper powers but taking care of his pregnant sisters more than gave him purpose. Especially since they pretty much demanded he take their back doors for a ride while they delivered his daughters.
Orihime: I don't mind.
Yuzu: See, she like it big brother.
Karin: Quit your bitching and enjoy it Ichigo.