Anonymous8: And, You're Here, Why..........? I mean, You wouldn't be here just top look at something You didn't like,(That would just be stupid!)! And, If, as You said, All Dickgirl fans are Homosexuals, and, You're here, because this is something You like, or, interests You then, YOU must be a Homosexual! Thank You ladies and gentlemen of the Court, and Your Honor, Next Witness!
Anonymous9(8): Anonymous7: And, You're Here, Why..........? I mean, You wouldn't be here just to look at something You didn't like,(That would just be stupid!)! And, If, as You said, All Dickgirl fans are Homosexuals, and, You're here, because this is something You like, or, interests You then, YOU must be a Homosexual! Thank You ladies and gentlemen of the Court, and Your Honor, Next Witness!(Corrections shall be made, blood shall be shed)
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All dickgirl fans are.
Kill yourselves putting futanari into everything