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Uploaderobelisk112, avatar
TagsAhsoka_Tano, Clone_Wars, Star_Wars, togruta
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Info900x1232 // 107KB // jpg
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Pangolinx: Well done, kinda like that recent ep with her future self.
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Anonymous1: that is one hotsoka
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Anonymous2: what happens to ahsoka anyhow
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Anonymous3: Wow best Ahsoka ever
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Anonymous4: i think she turns to the dark side and anakin kills her

-just a guess-
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Anonymous5: She is killed by Ventress and Anakin kills her in revenge

Dokuu beheads her with both his and her lighsaber and Anakin has to watch
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Anonymous6: When did she grow up like six years?
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Anonymous7: To all those who don't watch the clone wars, this is Darth Malik disguised as *future* Ashoka
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slpowerhouse: @Anonymous7: The character I think you are referring to is known only as The Son. The three characters that live on planet Mortis have not had their proper name's revealed in the series. As well as when this character appeared it was a vision of her future self that she was talking to as seen by Obi-wan then talking to the force ghost of Qui-gon in his dreams.
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Anonymous8(1): would love to see full body picture of this style..
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Anonymous9: anon 5 i have the need to troll @ you
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Anonymous10: more more more
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Anonymous11: Its her adult vision from the last Clone Wars Episodes!
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Anonymous12: Eh forehead is a little tall, but still great nonetheless
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Anonymous13: Very nice
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Anonymous14: i saved her
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Anonymous15: sauce
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Anonymous16: nam artist?

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