ThePrincessLadiesXInc: [Hot Ball: 3rd Degree's Bio.]
-Hot Ball is one of Bo Peep's earlier creations. She's an S&M girl and is very popular among guys who like to get the crap beaten out of them. She also has a "futa" function.
-Hot Ball holds the record for "shortest temper" of any Candy Girl, narrowly beating out Jawbreaker. Her powerful hot cinnamon flavor has been known to cause actual fires.
-In the tradition of popular Red Hot cinnamon candies, Hot Ball was created with a devilish design. She has horns, a devil tail, and an affinity for violence. This is her 3rd Degree variant.
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-Hot Ball is one of Bo Peep's earlier creations. She's an S&M girl and is very popular among guys who like to get the crap beaten out of them. She also has a "futa" function.
-Hot Ball holds the record for "shortest temper" of any Candy Girl, narrowly beating out Jawbreaker. Her powerful hot cinnamon flavor has been known to cause actual fires.
-In the tradition of popular Red Hot cinnamon candies, Hot Ball was created with a devilish design. She has horns, a devil tail, and an affinity for violence. This is her 3rd Degree variant.