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UploaderGackt, avatar
TagsLucy_van_Pelt, Peanuts, Shia_(Artist), Undead, World_of_Warcraft, comic, orc
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Info640x840 // 206KB // jpg
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Anonymous1: why does she have a penis?
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Anonymous2: Futa ruins it as always. Get help you perverted gay fags, seriously
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JeKv: I don't think anyone on a Rule 34 site can call anyone else perverted.
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Killamajig: Maybe it's just a male orc with gynecomastia, and he's sensitive about it thank you very much.
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Anonymous3: @Anon2 It's Paheal, dude. Get used to it.
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MrAnon: OI! MERCHANT! She said no, now back off.

Or I shove my sex axe up your ass!
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Anonymous4: I guess she got what was cumming to her.
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Anonymous5: rage all you want anon2, it won't make your weenie any bigger
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Anonymous6: Stupid sexy orcs.
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Anonymous7: It's still doesn't matter Anon6. This Futa shit always ruins it. All it is, is Tranny porn. Srsly but no, the excuse is, "She's just grown a dick!"

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Anonymous8: It's not like you can help what you're attracted to, may as well embrace it.
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Anonymous9: Oh my god he looks like That 1 Guy.
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Anonymous10: This would be great if it weren't for the futa. Like the others said, just fap to gay porn you fucks.
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Anonymous11: If you hate this so much then why do you even go in on it stupid morons?
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Spydey: News flash: "Straight" guys are into Futa.. most gay guys think this is ruined by the boobs. At least insult the right perverts.
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Anonymous12: I noticed the rabite before anything else.
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Anonymous13: Good eyes, Anon4. Lucy van Pelt fyi.
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Anonymous14: @ anon12: It's called being in the closet.
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JeKv: @Anon8, yep, it's tranny porn. I don't understand your problem.

Don't look at it if you don't like it? It's not like there's a shortage of content here...Geez.
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MV: For fuck's sake. There are hundreds of thousands of pictures on here of girls with normal tits and vaginas. I myself don't get off on this, but I'm not gonna bitch about a small minority of pics being on here. Grow up and get your heads out of your asses.
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ByPopularRequest: Is that some kinda undead rabite up there next to the nes?
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Anonymous15: "Straight" guys are into futa. Hahaha good one.

Yup, anon15 is right. You're a dude who likes dick. You're gay. Accept it.
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Anonymous16: orcs are my fetish and i would fuck her sexy tight ass anyday
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Anonymous17: I only fap to futa when theres an actual woman involved, and even then I don't actually go searching for the genre.
This picture is about a person with a dick getting fucked by a dick. Its gay.
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Anonymous18: ITT: Guys whining about free porn he didn't have to look at while simultaneously assuming that artists are obliged to draw more free porn based on their tastes instead of their own

Shia does commissions, I do believe. Want him/her to draw non-futa porn? Pay for it.
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Lochcelious: Lucy van Pelt from Peanuts. Classic. I'll add to the tags.
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Anonymous19: i wamt the swords
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Anonymous20: I think I've figured out why futa porn draws such vitriol. When guys like Anon 2,8,15 etc. see normal gay porn they immediately recognize it's two dudes going at it and instantly block out any possible sexual thoughts. However when they see futa they first assume it's at least one female in there and already sexualise her before realising she's packing penis. This then tickles the latent homosexuality slumbering in them not matter how much they tell themselves they are completely straight afterwards. This then causes them to reassert their heterosexuality as strongly as possible here.

tl;dr: people complaining about futa are just insecure about their own sexual orientation..
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Anonymous21(2): Nice armchair psychology there A21. Still doesn't change the fact that futa is sick and deranged
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Anonymous22: what why dident she get an achivment like in the rest od the omics???
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Hellgun: Achievement= Don´t be anal...
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Anonymous23: Futa: For people who like dicks but don't like a male body. Somewhere between straight and gay, I guess?

rule34.paheal: For people to come and fap at stuff that's been turned into porn and then whine about some being deranged/perverted.
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Anonymous24: A22 is busy projecting so hard you can see slides of his summer vacation on the adjacent wall.

Do you think he makes posts on the many actual gay porn pictures on this site how everyone who likes that sort of thing is a faggot?
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Anonymous25: am i the only person who found myself ridiculously turned on by her gleaming perfectly shaped pair of balls?
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appealus: I can agree that being upset with people who enjoy Futa is ridiculous, but accusing the detractors of hiding "latent homosexuality" makes you look as ignorant as they are.
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Anonymous26: @A24 I commissioned two pages for this so hence the lack of achievement.
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Anonymous27: suppose you could alwase edit the penis out, what i did. wont repost since its not mine, but i think it looks better that way. not really bothered by it enough to bitch, just dont much care for the whole chick with penis thing... /shrug whatever floats-your-boat i suppose
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MetalixK: Really Anon 22? FUTA is sick and deranged? How long have you been on this website you sheltered little fuck? I find worse shit than futa on this website without even TRYING!

Tell you what anon 22, I'm gonna prescribe you and the other whiners a trip through the Col. Kink and Sparrow collections we have on this fine website. I want you, and everyone else here bitching about futa to look through every single one of their pictures, and then come back here with a sense of perspective.
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Sarahsuke: Waaaaah! It doesn't cater to my particular fetish, therefore it doesn't belong here! How dare someone have different tastes!
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Anonymous28(2): ^^ you seem mad, bro
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Anonymous29: Finally, I really wanted to see that character (the orc) get it back.
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Anonymous30(17): Nice logic Metalix. Theres more disgusting shit, therefor this stuff is a-okay and I can fap to it and call myself a 100% straight guy.
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Anonymous31(17): I think we're all forgetting that these are shitty comics.
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Anonymous32: @Anon 31
The point he was making is that what one consideres "disgusting" is a highly subjective matter. So trying to handwave the whole thing away by just calling this disgusting is pretty retarded.
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MetalixK: Here is something else to note Anon 33,

Quoting from Anon 31, "There's more disgusting shit, therefor this stuff is a-okay and I can fap to it and call myself a 100% straight guy."

Number one, I didn't say a damn thing about one's sexual preferences. Number two, I didn't say one could fap to it.

I think there is more to the whole Projection theory going on here than any of us thought.
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Anonymous33(2): Yeah, you're so deep in the closet you call everyone gay who might question that this picture isn't straight
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analman: Nah, these whiny "Heterosexual" guys here who complain are just like virgins who talk about sex.

They talk bullshit about something where they have no firsthand knowledge about it all the time.

Also, i found it weird why these retards come out and complain after there are dozens of comics with this very old character before. Because retard originally means slow. :P
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Anonymous34(10): Can we please get a fucking straight edit of this
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Anonymous35: why bother about a sexbox when there are gunblades and NES
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Vicarious_Reality: DOSE PUNS
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Anonymous36: haha would be prefect if no penis
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Anonymous37(17): Yeah analman, show those pathetic virgins whos the boss. No one would dare mess with sense you get so much pussy, I mean dicks.
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Anonymous38: this one have a 2nd part?
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Anonymous39: The "rabbit", next to the NES, is a Pikachu.
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Anonymous40: Anon40, it's not pikachu. Pikachu is next to the slime. Unless you're saying that it's a skull of pikachu next to the NES.
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Anonymous41(40): Wait, where's Charlie Brown? I only see Lucy from Peanuts.
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Anonymous42: wheres the shia_(artist) tag
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Anonymous43: !S!WCRTESTTEXTAREA000000!E!
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Anonymous44: everyone is gay now take a dick in your butt and shut up
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Anonymous45(2): only futa lovers are gay
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Anonymous46: anyone not liking futa is a gay ass faggot.
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Anonymous47(2): ^0/10 troll
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Anonymous48: Glad to see our orc hero(ine) got their comeuppance.
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Anonymous49: bitch deserved it
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Drow38: I love seeing people rage about futa. They don't realize that futa is the best of both sexes without the drawback of having to see naked man ass.
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Anonymous50: Disagreed if you are talking about being attracted to the futa, I am only fine with futa when it is futa on chick, in which case only because I find it better than having some muscly guy there fucking the chick.
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masterofpirates: You're all faggots.
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Anonymous51: Anon2, Anon8, Anon11, Anon15, Anon16, Anon18, Anon22, Anon31, Anon35, Anon37, Anon38, Anon45, Anon46, Anon47, Anon51, masterofpirates;
i suck yo dick?
I think they mad.
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Anonymous52: anon2: get "help you perverted gayfags"
says this while fapping to a zombie fucking a futa
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Anonymous53: just shut up and fap
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Biles: There's no black and white about one's sexual preference, think of it as a SLIDER BAR. From one end, you have the vanilla heterosexual, the other homosexual.
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Anonymous54: I am amused by your trying to get logic out of eachother, people fap to this, others don't. You can whine about it all you want. That's okay, but personally, I don't give a flying fuck about your opinion or anybody else's.

Also, on a more personal note, everyone in this comment section is butthurt and trying too hard to get other people to understand their fetishes.
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Anonymous55: I would give my life to have that girl in me
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Nog: Zero fucks given about sexual preference! I like futa and have thought if i would like to be gay 100% open minded. guess what.. guys don't turn me on. women sure as hell do. my logic is who wouldn't want to see a chick get fucked by another chick but its a real dick instead of a strap on?? best of both worlds if u ask me. if you don't agree with me troll me i don't give a fuck. why don't you go make fun of a slow child for being slow? its something mental that we cant change EVEN if we wanted to.. If you don't like it then fine.. just grow up and don't bitch and moan over it.. ok maybe moan....

P.S. don't even say it can be helped.. could you all of a sudden like fat ugly chicks? no because your not into it. mentality cant be changed. STOP clicking on pictures of chicks with dicks just to complain! If that's the best thing you can be doing with your life atm i feel sorry for you
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Anonymous56: I'll take that NES from him.
As long as it comes with WoW: Molten Core
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Anonymous57: An NES, a rabbit skull (Max?), a Rabite, a Slime, Cloud's Buster Sword, Squall's Gunblade, a weapon I can't quite identify, and the Sword of Omens.

Did I miss anything?
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Anonymous58: Hahaha, it's always the closeted kids that get the maddest about futa.

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