NolaCeris: The blonde one (May Kanker) is good. The other two are crappy (this is not artist's fault, they just are - too much piercing and make-up). Anyway +100500
Karasu: I did NOT cover up the original artist's sig. His name was NOT on it. And I had no idea who the original artist was. If I known, I would've happily wrote his name on the pic.
traffik: @Karasu: OK, I happen to know that the artist's sig is on the original pic, 'cause it's right here >>284 ... but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Maybe you did your version from another coloration that didn't have the signature.
Karasu: I don't use Rule34 to get my pics, I found the original pic on E-Hentai and Google. Someone probably erased it off it. I'll try to be more careful about it. And for some reason I have a thing for the Halo Font, downloaded it for a fake movie poster and I stuck with it.
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