Anonymous2: Anon 1: Its perfect with the uncut penis cause that is what a penis is meant to look like. You must be jewish or something and have no idea about how more pleasurable sex is plus the all the sensations when you have one. Foreskin 4 LIFE
Anonymous3(1): So having a dick that looks like a squished sausage gives you more pleasure? Please elaborate how having unneeded skin on the end of your dick apparently makes it feel so much more pleasurable.
Anonymous4(1): I've got the best of both worlds, I'm cut but there's still a bit skin there, so I get the extra pleasure without all of the nasty dick cheese. So suck on that (no pun intended)
duckpenisexpert: Dude, uncut dick is amazing. That shit'll make you cum buckets and shiver like you're in the goddamn Artic!! ALL HAIL THE ALMIGHTY UNCUT COCK!!!! :-D
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