NobleR2096: "Tonight, a few minutes ago ...
... I found myself thinking what title to give to the recent fake. I can't think of anything, so I'm trying to remember more. I just finished reading Watchmen, one of the best decisions I could have made during the pandemic, the idea to kill time by making fakes hadn't even crossed my mind yet.
It's Tuesday of this week. I'm trying to find a Malin Akerman face that more or less fits the actress in the scene. I feel like I could have looked harder, but I already edited the Doctor Manhattan part of it, so hopefully, it'll all come out looking good.
I'm about to hit 'publish'... I wonder if anyone will actually read all this crap that I just wrote. But in the end, I don't really care, I'll just wait for the scheduled publishing time to come along, like always, and that'll be the end of it."
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... I found myself thinking what title to give to the recent fake. I can't think of anything, so I'm trying to remember more. I just finished reading Watchmen, one of the best decisions I could have made during the pandemic, the idea to kill time by making fakes hadn't even crossed my mind yet.
It's Tuesday of this week. I'm trying to find a Malin Akerman face that more or less fits the actress in the scene. I feel like I could have looked harder, but I already edited the Doctor Manhattan part of it, so hopefully, it'll all come out looking good.
I'm about to hit 'publish'... I wonder if anyone will actually read all this crap that I just wrote. But in the end, I don't really care, I'll just wait for the scheduled publishing time to come along, like always, and that'll be the end of it."